- All new students in the undergraduate programs will take the placement exam in Arabic and English.
- Students who are not native speakers of the Arabic language are excluded from the Arabic placement test.
- The new student is assigned a grade of "CR" which means "exempted" for the courses that have been exempted from studying as a result of his performance in the placement exam and recorded at the beginning of his academic record and does not count the credits of those courses in the calculation of the cumulative average.
English Language
with grades mentioned in the table below shall be excluded from applying the
placement test and even they can be exempted from some other language courses, according
to their TOFEL or IELTS levels, provided that they have not passed the two
years of the above tests:

Arabic Language
student is exempted from studying one or more of the University's compulsory
requirements in Arabic according to his score in the placement test in the
Arabic language and according to the levels mentioned in the table below:

those who follow the requirements of the University as updated: