Holder of a master’s degree in business
administration from Franklin University, USA. A professional business trainer
in business, small businesses, and entrepreneurship. Conducted various training
programs in Oman, Bahrain, London. Hand-on experience in management, leadership
and learning and development.
- Small Business Management
- Entrepreneurship: Creativity & Innovation,
- Exploring Innovation and Entrepreneurship I
- Exploring Innovation and Entrepreneurship II
- Entrepreneurship: Creativity & Innovation
More than 8 years of experience in the field of small business management and entrepreneurship. Worked as a trainer, and consultant in Small Business as well as a lecturer.
The Impact of Remote Working During Covid: Evidence-Based
Literature Review (Arab Gulf), BA Al Belushi, NA Al Yahyaei, AA Al Balushi, R
Rasheed, Journal
of Law and Sustainable Development, 2023
An Analysis of University Students' Emotional Intelligence
and Its Influence on Academic Performance, Dr. Syed Sadullah Hussainy,
Mrs. Amani Al-Balushi, Mrs. Hasna Al-Daoudi, Social Science Journal, 2022
Framework for e-HRM Implementation & Employee
Satisfaction in Sultanate of Oman, M Al Haziazi, S Muthuraman, N Al
Yahyaei, A Al Balushi, EXPLORING SUSTAINABLE PATHS, 127, 2021
Influence of HR Digital Transformation in the Cognitive
Technology Era of the Sultanate of Oman, M Al Haziazi, S Muthuraman, N Al
Yahyaei, A Al Balushi, 2021 7th International Conference on Information
Management (ICIM), 123-127, 2021
Influence of e-learning factors on student’s learning during
Covid-19 in Sultanate of Oman, D Subrahmanian Muthuraman, M Al Haziazi, A
Al Balushi, 2020