ACC300 Accounting Information Systems
(4) Credit Hours
This course is the first module to introduce the domain of information systems in accounting. This is a Level 6 course and students need to have a good knowledge of financial accounting, obtained through Levels 4 and 5 accounting modules. Thus, it is strongly recommended that students study this course after studying Financial/Management accounting (B291 and B292).
Course Code |
ACC300 |
Course Title |
Accounting Information Systems |
Pre-requisite |
B291 and B292 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This course is the first module to introduce the domain of information systems in accounting. This is a Level 6 course and students need to have a good knowledge of financial accounting, obtained through Levels 4 and 5 accounting modules. Thus, it is strongly recommended that students study this course after studying Financial/Management accounting (B291 and B292). |
Course Objectives |
This course is designed to present an understanding of accounting information systems and their role in the accounting environment. Particular attention is paid to transaction cycles and internal control structure. The three broad aims of the course are to provide students with:
- an understanding of the purpose and role of accounting information systems within contemporary organisations.
- an awareness of the way in which internal controls and technology interrelate with accounting information systems.
an understanding of the real-life problems of designing, implementing and using accounting information systems and its sub-cycles.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1: Explain what an accounting information system is and describe
the basic function it performs. A2: Demonstrate understanding of the role and importance of
accounting information systems in the various types of business and other
organisations. A3. Identify information system documentation techniques and their
use to understand, evaluate, and document an accounting information systems. A4. Explain the difference between database and file-based
systems. A5: Discuss the relational database systems and informatively
analyse and interpret accountant’s role of database systems development. A6: Describe the basic business activities and related data
processing operations performed in the accounting cycles. A7: Identify and explain control procedures. B. Cognitive
skills B1: Review and illustrate the purpose, context and functions of
accounting information systems in business practices. B2: Critically assess the impact and effective use of information
systems in organisations for competitive advantage. B3: Explain, analyse and apply the mechanism of system
documentation techniques in the accounting cycle. B4. Compare approaches to AIS including Enterprise Information,
Enterprise Resource Planning, etc. B5- Formulate a vision of the future and explain the evolving
importance of AIS and Internal Controls due to the guidance and direction of
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) pronouncements.
C. Practical and professional skills C1: Prepare system documentation, and use data flow diagrams and
flowcharts to understand, evaluate, and document information systems. C2: Design, implement, and effectively use relational database
systems using MS-Access
D. Key transferable skills. D1: Crucial participating in systems analysis and design.
D2: Accounting systems
are studied from an accounting cycles perspective, emphasizing the nature and
relevance of accounting internal controls and the relationship of accounting
systems to the functional areas of accounting.
ACC302 Principles of Auditing & Assurance Services
(4) Credit Hours
The course describes the role of the public accountant, professional standards, professional ethics, legal liability, audit evidence and documentation, audit planning internal control, audit sampling & procedures to audit the financial statements. This course thus aims to provide an introduction to the principles and practices of auditing.
It provides students with a sound understanding of fundamental auditing concepts and procedures, and the application of auditing standards. Accordingly, the course provides a foundation for students, who intend pursuing a specialised pathway in the auditing profession, as well as those who will pursue careers in accounting and other disciplines where principles of risk assessment, systems control and evaluation, and transaction testing are important. While the course focuses mainly on the practical application of an external financial audit.
Course Code |
ACC302 |
Course Title |
Principles of Auditing & Assurance Services |
Pre-requisite |
B291 and B292 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
The course describes the role of the public accountant, professional standards, professional ethics, legal liability, audit evidence and documentation, audit planning internal control, audit sampling & procedures to audit the financial statements. This course thus aims to provide an introduction to the principles and practices of auditing.
It provides students with a sound understanding of fundamental auditing concepts and procedures, and the application of auditing standards. Accordingly, the course provides a foundation for students, who intend pursuing a specialised pathway in the auditing profession, as well as those who will pursue careers in accounting and other disciplines where principles of risk assessment, systems control and evaluation, and transaction testing are important. While the course focuses mainly on the practical application of an external financial audit. |
Course Objectives |
This is an AOU based course. The goals of the providers of information may run somewhat counter to those of the users of information. Accordingly there is recognition of the social need for independent public accountants-individuals of professional competence and integrity who can tell us whether the information that we use constitutes a fair picture of what is really going on. On successful completion of BS312 course, students should be able to: 1) Determine an understanding of Certified Public Accountants, Professional standards, and Fundamental audit concepts. 2) Apply a range of audit procedures. 3) Apply auditing standards. 4) Demonstrate an understanding of the legal context within which auditing occurs.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1 : Awareness and
understanding of the role of the public accountant , audit standards, ethics ,
liability , audit evidence , documentation , audit planning, internal control ,
audit sampling A2: Demonstrate the ability to audit financial statements based on
the standards and procedures A3: Audit
of The Sales and Collection Cycle. A4: Audit of The Acquisition and Payment
Cycle B. Cognitive
skills B1: Understand the purpose of auditing and be able to investigate
and identify procedures Plan the audit, investigate evidence & identify
procedures. B2: Acquire understanding of the audit standards and how to apply
them in the audit process B3: Be able to distinguish between the different
types of audit reports and which report is mostly applicable for each
situation. B4: Be able to identify the environmental influences that might
impact the auditor’s plan and opinion. C. Practical and professional skills C1: Perform basic audit based on auditing standards & GAAP. C2: Perform audit procedures C3: Establish a relationship between the audit process and
environmental influences D. Key transferable skills. D1: Select appropriate procedures for auditing financial statement
accounts D2: Prepare an audit program of a typical firm
D3: Ability to dig out
evidence from a variety of sources in order to achieve the specific audit
objectives of financial statement accounts. |
ACT111 Financial Accounting
(4) Credit Hours
This module aims to teach students the fundamentals of financial accounting. Students will gain an understanding of how to prepare the basic financial statements, based on application of the accounting concepts and principles, as well as how to analyze the financial statements information, and calculate and interpret critical financial ratios that will help company stakeholders make rational decisions. This module is obligatory for all students of Faculty of Business Studies.
Course Code |
ACT111 |
Course Title |
Financial Accounting |
Pre-requisite |
EL111: English Communication Skills (I) |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This module aims to teach students the fundamentals of financial accounting. Students will gain an understanding of how to prepare the basic financial statements, based on application of the accounting concepts and principles, as well as how to analyze the financial statements information, and calculate and interpret critical financial ratios that will help company stakeholders make rational decisions. This module is obligatory for all students of Faculty of Business Studies. |
Course Objectives |
This module aims to provide students with the essential principles of measuring the financial performance of companies and improving financial planning. Students will gain an understanding of how to prepare the basic financial statements, based on application of accounting concepts, regulations and principles, as well as how to analyse the financial statements information that will help company stakeholders make rational decisions.
| |
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1 : Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the role of accounting in business and other organisations and of its theory, principles, concepts, practices, techniques, ethics, limitations, and techniques central to bookkeeping and accounting. A2: Demonstrate the ability to prepare financial statements based on application of accounting concepts, regulations and principles.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Knowledge of the basic accounting equation, the basic financial statements and the information conveyed in each of the statements. B2: Apply the steps of the accounting cycle for service and merchandising companies. B3: Apply and demonstrate end-of-period adjusting process required to prepare financial statements.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Manage transactions and events, and maintain accounting records as required for bookkeeping and accounting.
C2: Reflect on basic financial statements based upon Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
C3: Develop the general practical and professional skills of financial accounting that can be used for personal and career goals.
D. Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
D1: Gain knowledge and skills to use simple mathematics for the purpose of calculations in bookkeeping, accounting and preparing/analysing financial statements, including basic ratio analysis.
ACT112 Managerial Accounting
(4) Credit Hours
This module aims to teach students the fundamentals of managerial accounting. Students will gain an understanding of concepts and applications of managerial accounting, Moreover, students will learn how to prepare and use the accounting information for internal planning and control purposes, as well as using it to make informed managerial decisions. This module is obligatory for all students of the accounting track.
Course Code |
ACT112 |
Course Title |
Managerial Accounting |
Pre-requisite |
ACT111: Financial Accounting |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This module aims to teach students the fundamentals of managerial accounting. Students will gain an understanding of concepts and applications of managerial accounting, Moreover, students will learn how to prepare and use the accounting information for internal planning and control purposes, as well as using it to make informed managerial decisions. This module is obligatory for all students of the accounting track. |
Course Objectives |
This module aims to provide students with the essential principles of measuring management performance and the use of accounting information for internal planning, control and decision making purposes.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate understanding of the different types of costs and how they behave, and understanding cost-volume-profit relationships. A2: Demonstrate understanding of different types of budgets and how to prepare budgets and understanding of standard costs and variances analysis process A3: Demonstrate understanding of responsibility accounting and management’s decision-making process.
B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Knowledge of the different types of costs and how they behave, and how to apply cost-volume-profit analysis B2: Analyse the budgetary process and illustrate in detail the methods of preparing budgets for planning and control purposes. B3: Analyse the features of responsibility accounting and understand differences between responsibility centres and explain the relevant and reliable information to be used by management in making decisions.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: Apply different cost classifications transactions and use cost-volume-profit analysis and contribution analysis in different decisions
C2: Reflect on different budgets and calculate the main variances used in variance analysis.
C3: Recognize different responsibility centres and make the differential analysis required to apply different decisions based on relevant information.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Develop effective written and oral communication skills relevant to managerial accounting.
AR111 Arabic Communication Skills (I)
(3) Credit Hours
AR111 is three credit hour university requirements. It aims to enable students to acquire the Arabic language skills needed at university level, specifically: Arabic syntactic structures, grammatical inflection and case ending in spoken and written Arabic, ability to read Arabic texts in different disciplines, adequate training in writing and using dictionary
Course Code |
AR111 |
Course Title |
Arabic Communication Skills (I) |
Pre-requisite |
EF003 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
AR111 is three credit hour university requirements. It aims to enable students to acquire the Arabic language skills needed at university level, specifically: Arabic syntactic structures, grammatical inflection and case ending in spoken and written Arabic, ability to read Arabic texts in different disciplines, adequate training in writing and using dictionary |
Course Objectives |
• تنمية مهارات التواصل اللغوي لدى الطالب، من خلال إكسابه بعض المعارف اللغوية المناسبة لمستوى الجامعة. • الإلمام بفنون البلاغة العربية، والتدرب على نماذجها. • التعرف على طبيعة الشعر، مفهوما، ومكانة، والوقوف على مفاتيح تذوقه، وضرورة قراءته. • التدرب على كتابة بعض النشاطات الكتابية مع الاستعمال الصحيح لعلامات الترقيم واجتناب الاخطاء الاملائية. • تبين عناصر الكتابة في كل فن من فنونها. • التعرف على الفنون النثرية، وسماتها. • الاطلاع على نماذج من النصوص، وصلاً للطالب بتراث امته وحضارته.
Course Outcomes |
بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب أن:
أ1- يدرك أهمية الحفاظ على اللغة والحرص على استخدامها بشكل صحيح، كتابة ونطقا، وذلك من خلال اكتساب جوانب متعددة من ثقافة اللغة. أ2- يكتسب القدرة على الاتصال باهل اللغة بصورة تتلاءم مع السياق الاجتماعي. أ3- يكون قادرًا على فهم النصوص العربية المكتوبة والمنطوقة في أي سياق اجتماعي معين. أ4- يكتسب المعرفة والإلمام بالكفاءة اللغوية والتواصلية والثقافية للغة العربية. أ. المهارات المعرفية بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب:
ب1- أن تنمو ملكة التفكير والتحليل الناقد لديه، حيال قراءة النصوص العربية أو الاستماع إليها ب2- أن يميز بين الفنون البلاغية، ويقف على مواطن الجمال فيها ب3- أن يمتلك القدرة على تحليل النصوص الادبية وتذوقها ب4- أن تنهض وتستقيم قدراته القرائية والكتابية ب5- تعزيز مكاسبهم الثقافية واللغوية والمعرفية بما يتماشى مع بقية المواد التي تمت دراستها في إطار برنامج البكالوريوس. ج. المهارات العملية والمهنية بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب:
ج1. أن يكون قادراً على تحليل الجمل والفقرات استناداً إلى الأسس اللغوية والفنية التي تمت دراستها في هذا المقرر. ج2. أن يتمكن من الناحية الوظيفية من بعض المهارات الكتابية التي يحتاجها في الحياة العامة وفي مكان العمل، مثل: القدرة على كتابة المقالة، القدرة على كتابة الخاطرة، القدرة على كتابة القصة القصيرة، القدرة على كتابة التقرير، القدرة على كتابة الرسالة، القدرة على كتابة كلمات المناسبات الاجتماعية باختلاف انواعها. ج3. أن يكون قادرًا على التواصل بشكل مناسب، باللغة العربية، في أي سياق اجتماعي معين. د. المهارات الأساسية القابلة للتحويل بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب: د1. أن تزداد لديه مهارات التواصل اللغوي السليم والاداء الجيد د2. أن تتكون لديه حصيلة لغوية وافرة، وكذلك وفرة من المفردات والتعابير والأساليب البلاغية والانشائية د3. أن يميز بين الفنون البلاغية، ويقف على مواطن الجمال فيها د4. أن يمتلك القدرة على تحليل النصوص الادبية وتذوقها د5. أن تنهض وتستقيم قدراته القرائية والكتابية د6. أن يتمكن من تحليل الجمل والفقرات تحليلا قائما على الأسس اللغوية والفنية التي يشملها المقرر. د7. استخدام اللغة العربية بشكل كافٍ في الحياة اليومية وكذلك في مكان العمل.
AR112 Arabic Communication Skills (II)
(3) Credit Hours
AR112 is a three credit hour university requirement. It aims at developing students’ skills in text analysis and literary appreciation. Students are introduced to the principles of accurate pronunciation and sound reading of texts. The course also provides training in Arabic rhetoric and literary genres.
Course Code |
AR112 |
Course Title |
Arabic Communication Skills (II) |
Pre-requisite |
AR111 |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
AR112 is a three credit hour university requirement. It aims at developing students’ skills in text analysis and literary appreciation. Students are introduced to the principles of accurate pronunciation and sound reading of texts. The course also provides training in Arabic rhetoric and literary genres. |
Course Objectives |
- تنمية مهارات التواصل اللغوي لدى الطالب، من خلال إكسابه بعض المعارف اللغوية المناسبة لمستوى الجامعة.
- الإلمام بفنون البلاغة العربية، والتدرب على نماذجها.
- التعرف على طبيعة الشعر، مفهوما، ومكانة، والوقوف على مفاتيح تذوقه، وضرورة قراءته.
- التدرب على كتابة بعض النشاطات الكتابية مع الاستعمال الصحيح لعلامات الترقيم واجتناب الاخطاء الاملائية.
- تبين عناصر الكتابة في كل فن من فنونها.
- التعرف على الفنون النثرية، وسماتها.
- الاطلاع على نماذج من النصوص، وصلاً للطالب بتراث امته وحضارته.
Course Outcomes |
بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب أن:
أ1- يدرك أهمية الحفاظ على اللغة والحرص على استخدامها بشكل صحيح، كتابة ونطقا، وذلك من خلال اكتساب جوانب متعددة من ثقافة اللغة. أ2- يكتسب القدرة على الاتصال باهل اللغة بصورة تتلاءم مع السياق الاجتماعي. أ3- يكون قادرًا على فهم النصوص العربية المكتوبة والمنطوقة في أي سياق اجتماعي معين. أ4- يكتسب المعرفة والإلمام بالكفاءة اللغوية والتواصلية والثقافية للغة العربية. أ. المهارات المعرفية بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب:
ب1- أن تنمو ملكة التفكير والتحليل الناقد لديه، حيال قراءة النصوص العربية أو الاستماع إليها ب2- أن يميز بين الفنون البلاغية، ويقف على مواطن الجمال فيها ب3- أن يمتلك القدرة على تحليل النصوص الادبية وتذوقها ب4- أن تنهض وتستقيم قدراته القرائية والكتابية ب5- تعزيز مكاسبهم الثقافية واللغوية والمعرفية بما يتماشى مع بقية المواد التي تمت دراستها في إطار برنامج البكالوريوس. ج. المهارات العملية والمهنية بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب:
ج1. أن يكون قادراً على تحليل الجمل والفقرات استناداً إلى الأسس اللغوية والفنية التي تمت دراستها في هذا المقرر. ج2. أن يتمكن من الناحية الوظيفية من بعض المهارات الكتابية التي يحتاجها في الحياة العامة وفي مكان العمل، مثل: القدرة على كتابة المقالة، القدرة على كتابة الخاطرة، القدرة على كتابة القصة القصيرة، القدرة على كتابة التقرير، القدرة على كتابة الرسالة، القدرة على كتابة كلمات المناسبات الاجتماعية باختلاف انواعها. ج3. أن يكون قادرًا على التواصل بشكل مناسب، باللغة العربية، في أي سياق اجتماعي معين. د. المهارات الأساسية القابلة للتحويل بعد دراسة هذا المقرر يتوقع من الطالب: د1. أن تزداد لديه مهارات التواصل اللغوي السليم والاداء الجيد د2. أن تتكون لديه حصيلة لغوية وافرة، وكذلك وفرة من المفردات والتعابير والأساليب البلاغية والانشائية د3. أن يميز بين الفنون البلاغية، ويقف على مواطن الجمال فيها د4. أن يمتلك القدرة على تحليل النصوص الادبية وتذوقها د5. أن تنهض وتستقيم قدراته القرائية والكتابية د6. أن يتمكن من تحليل الجمل والفقرات تحليلا قائما على الأسس اللغوية والفنية التي يشملها المقرر. د7. استخدام اللغة العربية بشكل كافٍ في الحياة اليومية وكذلك في مكان العمل.
AR113 Arabic Communication Skills III
(3) Credit Hours
AR113 is a three credit hour university requirement. It aims at developing students’ skills in text analysis and literary appreciation. Students are introduced to the principles of accurate pronunciation and sound reading of texts. The course also provides training in Arabic rhetoric and literary genres.
Course Code |
AR113 |
Course Title |
Arabic Communication Skills III |
Pre-requisite |
- |
Credit Hours |
3 |
Course Description |
AR113 is a three credit hour university requirement. It aims at developing students’ skills in text analysis and literary appreciation. Students are introduced to the principles of accurate pronunciation and sound reading of texts. The course also provides training in Arabic rhetoric and literary genres. |
Course Objectives |
1. Presenting new aspects of Arab culture through studying the works of ancient and modern writers. 2. Developing students’ research skills and methodologies. 3. Training students to develop reports and write articles effectively. 4. Enhancing literary expression skills and techniques. 5. Understanding the cultural and historical context of literary works. 6. Analyzing the relationship between literature and social and cultural developments. 7. Developing the ability to present opinions in a logical and specific manner. 8. Promoting critical interaction with literary texts. 9. Deepening students’ understanding of the relationship between literature and research and applying this relationship effectively. |
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and Understanding
A1: Demonstrate an understanding of various literary genres and their cultural and historical contexts. A2: Explain the principles of Arabic rhetoric and their application in literary analysis. A3: Identify and describe the characteristics of different Arabic literary genres.
B. Cognitive Skills
B1: Critically analyze and interpret a range of Arabic literary texts. B2: Apply rhetorical techniques in the analysis of literary texts. B3: Engage in critical thinking to articulate well-reasoned arguments about literary works.
C. Practical and Professional Skills
C1: Demonstrate proficiency in sound reading techniques to enhance comprehension and fluency. C2: Apply principles of accurate pronunciation in the oral reading of Arabic texts. C3: Compose clear and coherent analytical essays on literary topics, utilizing appropriate terminology and concepts.
D. Key Transferable Skills
D1: Develop an appreciation for diverse literary genres and their contexts, fostering a lifelong engagement with literature. D2: Actively participate in discussions on literature, demonstrating openness to various viewpoints and interpretations. D3: Utilize analytical skills in both written and oral communication, applicable across academic and professional settings.
B123 Management Practice
(8) Credit Hours
This course introduces management ideas and uses activities to build on existing knowledge and skills through the application of management theory. It’s suitable if you’ve studied any introductory course and want to complete the Certificate in Business Studies or gain 30 credits towards our BA (Hons). This introductory Level 1 course introduces management ideas and uses activities to build on your existing knowledge and skills. You’ll also use your own workplace experiences to develop an academic understanding of management and valuable study skills, which you’ll demonstrate by writing about management and reflecting on your own skills as a learner.
Course Code |
B123 |
Course Title |
Management Practice |
Pre-requisite |
BUS110 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This course introduces management ideas and uses activities to build on existing knowledge and skills through the application of management theory. It’s suitable if you’ve studied any introductory course and want to complete the Certificate in Business Studies or gain 30 credits towards our BA (Hons). This introductory Level 1 course introduces management ideas and uses activities to build on your existing knowledge and skills. You’ll also use your own workplace experiences to develop an academic understanding of management and valuable study skills, which you’ll demonstrate by writing about management and reflecting on your own skills as a learner. |
Course Objectives |
By the
end of this course you’ll have developed a new, more theoretical understanding
of how and why managers do what they do in organisations. You’ll build a
toolkit of management concepts, theories and models that you can use to tackle
workplace issues. You’ll also feel more confident in embarking on further
undergraduate study.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1. Demonstrated how learning they have undertaken previously in
the workplace can be utilised to inform the development of their management
practice A2. Selected and used a range of management theories, concepts and
ideas to help identify, analyse and address issues and situations in their
current practice setting. A3. Worked in collaboration with others in assessing the
applicability of selected management theories, etc. to their own and others’
identified practice problems. A4. Reflected
on the impact of their learning on their practice of management, and their
future development as a management practitioner. B. Cognitive
skills B1. Identify and draw upon appropriate forms of prior learning
relating to the development of their management practice. B2. Apply relevant theoretical knowledge of management to a
practical problem. B3. Collaborate with peers’ practitioners to, and begin to,
critically evaluate the applicability of selected management theories etc. B4. Reflect productively on the development of their practice of
management. C. Practical and professional skills C1. Communicate their understanding of management theory and its
application to practice in writing. C2. Work independently on identifying issues and situations in the
workplace and apply academic theories and concepts to these to gain a deeper
understanding of them. D. Key transferable skills. D1. Use of a range of tools and websites for finding and recording
information online: internet browsers, search engines, copy/ paste, e-portfolios
and download functions
D2. Communicate with
peer learners via synchronous and asynchronous online media.
B124 Fundamentals of Accounting
(8) Credit Hours
This module provides a broad introduction to accounting study at the university level. It covers the fundamentals of financial and management accounting as well as the essential skills, knowledge and ethics required to be a professional accountant. Fundamentals of Accounting module is required for all business with accounting track. It is strongly recommended that students study this module before Financial accounting (B291) and Management accounting (B292).
Course Code |
B124 |
Course Title |
Fundamentals of Accounting |
Pre-requisite |
BUS110 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This module provides a broad introduction to accounting study at the university level. It covers the fundamentals of financial and management accounting as well as the essential skills, knowledge and ethics required to be a professional accountant. Fundamentals of Accounting module is required for all business with accounting track. It is strongly recommended that students study this module before Financial accounting (B291) and Management accounting (B292). |
Course Objectives |
It aims to equip students with the essential principles of measuring management performance and improving financial planning, control and decision-making. Students can gain an understanding of financial reports through their preparation, based on the double-entry bookkeeping system which is essential for the management of any organisation.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding A1: Awareness and understanding of the role of accounting in business and other organisations and of its theory, principles, concepts, practices, techniques, ethics, limitations, and techniques central to bookkeeping and accounting.
A2: Demonstrate the ability to prepare financial statements based on application of accounting concepts, regulations and principles. A3: Demonstrate understanding of the types of costs and how they behave in order to calculate cost-volume-profit relationships, A4: Demonstrate understanding of management's decision-making process as it relates to product pricing, production, adding and dropping, etc. A5: Demonstrate understanding of the types of budgets and be able to prepare operating budgets, financial budgets and capital budgets. A6: Demonstrate understanding of the responsibility centers and balanced scorecard.
B. Cognitive skills
B1: Review and illustrate the purpose, context and environmental influences and constraints on financial accounting and business practices. B2: Explain the balance sheet equation, the basic financial statements and the information conveyed in each of the statements. B3: Explain the steps in the accounting cycle for service and merchandising companies. B4: Explain the relevant factors in making different decisions. B5: Explain methods that don't use present value versus those that do use present value B6: Explain the features of responsibility reports and differentiate between cost centres, profit centres and investment centres.
C. Practical and professional skills C1: Record transactions
and events, and maintain accounting records as required for bookkeeping and
C2: Prepare basic
financial statements based upon Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. C3: Develop the
general practical and professional skills of management accounting that can be
used for personal and career goals.
D Key transferable skills D1: Use simple mathematics for the purpose of calculations in bookkeeping, accounting and preparing/analysing financial statements, including basic ratio analysis.
D2: Compare critically and use different approaches to issues and problems within management accounting.
D3: Communicate management accounting information effectively and appropriately.
D4: Use fundamental business mathematics and other quantitative methods effectively and appropriately.
B205A Exploring innovation and entrepreneurship (A)
(8) Credit Hours
This module provides students with a broad foundation in innovation and entrepreneurship. The course is composed of two parts A and B. Students will be introduced to core concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation.
This module will focus on the skills required to create teams, build networks and to secure the necessary resources in the context of an innovative, entrepreneurial venture.
Course Code |
B205A |
Course Title |
Exploring innovation and entrepreneurship (A) |
Pre-requisite |
BUC112 and ACT112 as per 2022 plan & B207B as per 2017 plan |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This module provides students with a broad foundation in innovation and entrepreneurship. The course is composed of two parts A and B. Students will be introduced to core concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation.
This module will focus on the skills required to create teams, build networks and to secure the necessary resources in the context of an innovative, entrepreneurial venture.
Course Objectives |
B205A academic aim is to introduce students to number of fundamental concepts and theories of entrepreneurial innovation. It also re-apply some generic business and management concepts in an entrepreneurial and innovation-related concept, with the aim of providing the necessary foundations for interested students to progress to a more in-depth study of specialist topics within this subject area during their level 3 studies.
Study and employment skills will be integrated into the learning activities, with a particular focus on digital literacy, creative thinking and problem solving, team-working, persuasive communication and more general personal development and enterprise-related skills.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate different forms of innovative and entrepreneurial practice around the world and at different scales, including: technological and social innovation; commercial and social enterprise; independent and corporate entrepreneurship. A2: Demonstrate different research perspectives on innovation and entrepreneurship, recognising that these subjects can be studied at multiple levels of analysis. A3: Critical understanding of core theories, concepts and frameworks that have been applied to innovation and entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on their implications for practice. A4: Comparative understanding of the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship, both at a conceptual and a practical level.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Conceptual understanding of the key components of innovative and entrepreneurial processes and practices kinds (i.e., in comparison with more routinised approaches) B2: Apply appropriate innovative and entrepreneurial approaches that are likely to be appropriate in particular organisational contexts.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: As an independent learner, identify, search for and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities, with the aim of creating sustainable business models. C2: As an independent learner, negotiate, influence, and gain legitimacy in an entrepreneurial setting. C3: Critically engage in creative problem-solving. C4: Recognise effective networking and persuasive communication skills.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: As an independent learner, work constructively and ethically in entrepreneurial settings, which may be characterised by ambiguity, complexity and open-ended challenges. D2: Display resilience and an on-going capacity to learn from direct personal experiences, and those of others. D3: Collaborate and work in a team context while acquiring coordination and time management skills.
B205B Exploring innovation and entrepreneurship (B)
(8) Credit Hours
This module provides students with a broad foundation in innovation and entrepreneurship. The course is composed of two parts A and B. Students will be introduced to core concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation.
This module will focus on the skills required to create teams, build networks and to secure the necessary resources in the context of an innovative, entrepreneurial venture.
Course Code |
B205B |
Course Title |
Exploring innovation and entrepreneurship (B) |
Pre-requisite |
B205A and ECO101 as per 2022 plan & B207B as per 2017 plan |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This module provides students with a broad foundation in innovation and entrepreneurship. The course is composed of two parts A and B. Students will be introduced to core concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation.
This module will focus on the skills required to create teams, build networks and to secure the necessary resources in the context of an innovative, entrepreneurial venture.
Course Objectives |
B205B academic aim is to review number of fundamental concepts and theories of entrepreneurial innovation introduced in Part I of the course. It also re-applies some generic business and management concepts in an entrepreneurial and innovation-related concept.
a comparative study of innovation and entrepreneurship in different contexts (Block 3), a simulated experience of entrepreneurial team-working and innovation (Block 4) and an opportunity for reflection and integration (Block 5). Study and employment skills will be integrated into the learning activities, with a particular focus on digital literacy, creative thinking and problem solving, team-working, persuasive communication and more general personal development and enterprise-related skills.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate systematic knowledge of different forms of innovative and entrepreneurial practice around the world and at different scales, including: technological and social innovation; commercial and social enterprise; independent and corporate entrepreneurship. A2: Demonstrate critical understanding of different research perspectives on innovation and entrepreneurship, recognising that these subjects can be studied at multiple levels of analysis. A3: Demonstrate detailed knowledge of core theories, concepts and frameworks that have been applied to innovation and entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on their implications for practice. A4: Demonstrate comparative understanding of the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship, both at a conceptual and a practical level.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Appreciate the key components of innovative and entrepreneurial processes and practices kinds B2: Apply appropriate innovative and entrepreneurial approaches in particular organisational contexts.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: As an independent learner, identify, search for and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities, with the aim of creating sustainable business models. C2: As an independent learner, Negotiate, influence, and gain legitimacy in an entrepreneurial setting. C3: Critically engage in creative problem-solving. C4: Recognise effective networking and persuasive communication skills.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: As an independent learner, work constructively and ethically in entrepreneurial settings, which may be characterised by ambiguity, complexity and open-ended challenges. D2: Independently find, critically evaluate and use a wide range of information, date or tools accurately in complex context and display resilience and an on-going capacity to learn from direct personal experiences, and those of others. D3: Collaborate and work in a team context while acquiring coordination and time management skills.
B206 Understanding Customers
(8) Credit Hours
This level 2 module provides intermediate/advanced conceptual and practical learning to students interested in the theory and practice of consumer behaviour in relation to the wider marketing context.
This module aims to introduce students to theories, concepts and techniques guiding how contemporary marketing practitioners understand consumers and business buying behaviour.
Course Code |
B206 |
Course Title |
Understanding Customers |
Pre-requisite |
BUC112+ACT112 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This level 2 module provides intermediate/advanced conceptual and practical learning to students interested in the theory and practice of consumer behaviour in relation to the wider marketing context.
This module aims to introduce students to theories, concepts and techniques guiding how contemporary marketing practitioners understand consumers and business buying behaviour.
Course Objectives |
This module aims to introduce students to theories, concepts and techniques guiding how contemporary marketing practitioners understand consumers and business buying behaviour.
The content, activities and assessments are designed to help students to develop and demonstrate relevant skills for employment related to understanding customers including digital and information literacy skills. This will support the learner’s independence.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate systematic knowledge of selected concepts, models and processes related to consumer and business buyer behaviour, and their implications for marketing practice. A2: Demonstrate critical understanding of essential theories of consumer and business buying behaviour.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Gather, evaluate and critically analyse information, ideas, concepts and quantitative and/or qualitative data related to customer behaviour, drawing on a range of current sources B2: Apply appropriate materials, practices and skills in accordance with theories, concepts and principles of customer behaviour in ways which show you understand their strengths and limitations.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: As an independent learner, apply knowledge and understanding of customer behaviour to identify, critically analyse and solve marketing problems. C2: Accurately and effectively communicate in a range of contexts and to different audiences, using the main concepts associated with customer behaviour. C3: Demonstrate confident use of a range of digital practices (including tools and resources) to find, use, create and share appropriate data, information and knowledge.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Engage with professional skills and demonstrate an awareness of relevant ethical and business/commercial issues in relation to customer behaviour. D2: Develop as an independent practitioner by planning your own workload, taking responsibility for reviewing progress and keeping to deadlines. D3: Reflect on personal/career development in the context of your studies.
B207A Shaping Business Opportunities I
(8) Credit Hours
B207A is a module offered to equip students with basic and fundamental concepts and theories about business functions, and it is designed to provide intermediate conceptual and practical learning to students in operations management, marketing and human resource management.
Course Code |
B207A |
Course Title |
Shaping Business Opportunities I |
Pre-requisite |
MKT112 and MGT112 as per 2022 plan & BS110 as per 2017 plan |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
B207A is a module offered to equip students with basic and fundamental concepts and theories about business functions, and it is designed to provide intermediate conceptual and practical learning to students in operations management, marketing and human resource management. |
Course Objectives |
This module is designed to provide intermediate conceptual and practical learning to students in operations management, marketing and human resource management.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Develop a critical appreciation of the interactions between various business functions (operations management, marketing and human resource management) and the integrative complexity that shapes business innovation. A2: Develop a critical understanding of why new products and services are imperative to contemporary business practice. Also to develop knowledge and understanding of external issues affecting the successful running of organizations, including how they compete in a global context. A3: Develop knowledge and understanding of the elements required to build long-term success in organizations, and how students can contribute to the fostering of long-term value creation. A4: develop knowledge and critical understanding of the theories, concepts and models of different business functions (operations management, marketing and human resource management).
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Select and critically analyse information relevant to a particular problem or issue related to business and management. B2: Evaluate and compare competing perspectives, theoretical models and concepts in the context of practical situations B3: Gather and synthesise material from a variety of sources in constructing arguments applied to business and management
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: Communicate in a professional manner in written work, face to face and online. Plan, monitor and review progress as independent learner and as a team member. C2: Develop an awareness of ethical issues and professional standards relevant to business and management
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Search for and use relevant digital and non-digital information from sources other than the module materials. D2: Compare critically and use different approaches to issues and problems within business management. Engage in critical reflection. D3: Consolidate an understanding of academic language and literacy practices in order to effectively engage with the academic knowledge and skills of Level 5 study.
B207B Shaping Business Opportunities II
(8) Credit Hours
B207B is a module offered to equip students with basic and fundamental concepts and theories about business functions, and it is designed to provide intermediate conceptual and practical learning to students in operations management, marketing and human resource management.
Course Code |
B207B |
Course Title |
Shaping Business Opportunities II |
Pre-requisite |
B207A and BUC112 as per 2022 plan & B207A as per 2017 plan |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
B207B is a module offered to equip students with basic and fundamental concepts and theories about business functions, and it is designed to provide intermediate conceptual and practical learning to students in operations management, marketing and human resource management. |
Course Objectives |
This module is designed to provide intermediate conceptual and practical learning to students in operations management, marketing and human resource management.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Develop a critical appreciation of the interactions between various business functions (operations management, marketing and human resource management) and the integrative complexity that shapes business innovation. A2: Develop knowledge and understanding of the elements required to build long-term success in organizations, and how students can contribute to the fostering of long-term value creation. A3: develop knowledge and critical understanding of the theories, concepts and models of different business functions (operations management, marketing and human resource management).
B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Select and critically analyse information relevant to a particular problem or issue related to business and management. B2: Evaluate and compare competing perspectives, theoretical models and concepts in the context of practical situations B3: Gather and synthesise material from a variety of sources in constructing arguments applied to business and management.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: Communicate in a professional manner in written work, face to face and online. Plan, monitor and review progress as independent learner and as a team member. C2: Develop an awareness of ethical issues and professional standards relevant to business and management.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Search for and use relevant digital and non-digital information from sources other than the module materials. D2: Compare critically and use different approaches to issues and problems within business management. Engage in critical reflection. D3: Consolidate an understanding of academic language and literacy practices in order to effectively engage with the academic knowledge and skills of Level 5 study.
B291 Financial Accounting
(8) Credit Hours
This course is the first of two modules leading to the Professional Certificate in Accounting (K01). We strongly recommend that you study this course before Management accounting (B292), but both courses can be studied independently. This is a Level 2 course and students need to have a good knowledge of financial accounting, obtained either through Level 1 study with the AOU or by doing equivalent work at another university. Ideal preparation for this course would be our Level 1 course Fundamentals of Accounting (B124).
Course Code |
B291 |
Course Title |
Financial Accounting |
Pre-requisite |
B124 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This course is the first of two modules leading to the Professional Certificate in Accounting (K01). We strongly recommend that you study this course before Management accounting (B292), but both courses can be studied independently. This is a Level 2 course and students need to have a good knowledge of financial accounting, obtained either through Level 1 study with the AOU or by doing equivalent work at another university. Ideal preparation for this course would be our Level 1 course Fundamentals of Accounting (B124). |
Course Objectives |
is the course for students if they want a route into the accountancy profession
or need to gain fundamental accounting skills for a management or other role.
Students will gain an understanding of how financial statements are prepared
and develop the skills to prepare financial statements. Students will explore
differences in financial accounting for different businesses, building an
understanding of the frameworks underpinning accounting and audit practice.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1:
Demonstrate understanding of the role and importance of accounting in the
various types of business and other organisations. A2:
Demonstrate understanding of the accounting regulatory framework in the UK and
EU as well as within the context of international financial and capital
markets. A3:
Demonstrate understanding of the qualitative characteristics of financial
accounting information, accounting concepts and principles. A4:
Demonstrate the ability to prepare financial statements based on application of
accounting concepts, regulations and principles. B. Cognitive
skills B1: Review and illustrate the purpose, context and environmental
influences and constraints on financial accounting and business practices (Unit
1). B2: Explain, analyse and apply the mechanism of double-entry bookkeeping
and the accounting cycle (Unit 2). B3: Identify, classify, measure and
summarise the elements of financial statements applying accounting principles
and concepts (Units 3 and 4). B4: Explain and interpret the purpose, form and
content of the three main financial statements; income statement, balance sheet
and cash flow statement (Unit 5). B5: Explain and evaluate the need for ethics
in the behaviour of accountants and the need for independent auditing in the
reporting process of public and large enterprises (Unit 6). B6: Explain and
review the relations between corporate governance, auditing and
financing (Unit 7). C. Practical and professional skills C1: Record transactions and events, and maintain accounting
records manually and gain some familiarity with computerised accounting
software (Units 3 and 4). C2: Prepare periodic financial statements for sole traders,
partnerships, non-profit organisations and single-entity private and public
limited companies (Unit 5) D. Key transferable skills.
D1: Use simple
mathematics for the purpose of calculations in bookkeeping, accounting and
preparing/analysing financial statements, including basic ratio analysis.
B292 Management Accounting
(8) Credit Hours
This is a level 2 course and students need to have a good knowledge of financial accounting obtained either through level 1 study with the AOU or completing equivalent work at another university. This is the course for students if they want a route into the accounting profession or need to gain fundamental accounting skills for a management or other role. The overall aim of this module is to help students learn and interpret management accounting information. You may be undertaking this module to prepare for a career as an accountant working in or with organizations, as part of a degree or as a stand- alone module.
Course Code |
B292 |
Course Title |
Management Accounting |
Pre-requisite |
B124 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This is a level 2 course and students need to have a good knowledge of financial accounting obtained either through level 1 study with the AOU or completing equivalent work at another university. This is the course for students if they want a route into the accounting profession or need to gain fundamental accounting skills for a management or other role. The overall aim of this module is to help students learn and interpret management accounting information. You may be undertaking this module to prepare for a career as an accountant working in or with organizations, as part of a degree or as a stand- alone module. |
Course Objectives |
B292 academic aim is to introduce students to number of fundamental
concepts and theories of Management Accounting in order to guide managerial
decision making by individuals and business units. It also develops the
students’ knowledge of Management Accounting as well as skills in
problem-solving, decision making relating to aspects of planning, costing, budgeting,
evaluating. B292 also prepares students for advanced Management Accounting
concepts. After studying the course, the students should be able to: - Demonstrate
understanding of the nature of management and the role of management
accounting in the management process.
- Demonstrate
understanding of the different types of costs and the role of costs in
decision making.
- Demonstrate understanding
of how inventory is accounted for and managed within the organization, and
the methods for calculating the cost of different types of products,
processes and services.
- Demonstrate the
ability to prepare budgets.
- Demonstrate
understanding of the management and the influence of economic factors and
economic analysis on management decision making.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding
A1 : Demonstrate Understanding of the nature of management and the role of management accounting in the management process.
A2: Demonstrate the understanding of the different types of costs and the role of costs in decision making.
A3: Demonstrate understanding of how inventory is accounted for and managed within the organization and the methods for calculating the costs of different types of products , processes and services..
A4: Demonstrate the ability to prepare
B. Cognitive
B1. Understand the nature of organizations, the process of management and the role of information (including accounting information) in managing organizations. (Unit 1).
B2. Understand the nature of cost analysis for planning and decision making and be able to apply and explain the techniques covered. (Unit 2).
B3. Understand and explain the costing and accounting methods and systems which provide the management of an organization with relevant and reliable information on which to base decisions. (Unit 3).
B4. Explain the budgetary process and illustrate in detail a method of preparing budgets for planning and control purposes. (Unit 4).
C. Practical and professional skills
C1: Understand the use of marginal costs , cost volume –profit Analysis and contribution analysis in costing and price decisions. C2:Calculate costs using the job , process and contract costing Methods , calculate the cost of a product or service from basic Information using batch and process costing. C3:Prepare budgets and calculate the main variances used in Variance analysis. C4:Be able to prepare accounting statements for planning and Control. C5: Be able to prepare periodic reports
D. Key transferable skills.
D1:Demonstrate understanding of the nature & types of costs D2: Calculate Break-even points in units and in turnover. D3: The use of Activity based costing as a more exact method In indirect cost allocation.
D4:Demonstrate ability to prepare different types of budgets
D5: Work with qualitative & quantitative data drawing appropriate conclusions based on findings.
B294 Financial Analysis and Decision Making
(8) Credit Hours
Effective financial decision making is crucial every successful organisation. This module will equip you with the tools and techniques that facilitate good financial decisions in order to achieve organisational goals, financial appraisal techniques used to evaluate investment projects and evaluate multiple investment options, how to value stocks, bonds and real estate, and the commonly used derivative instruments and their role in managing risk.
Course Code |
B294 |
Course Title |
Financial Analysis and Decision Making |
Pre-requisite |
ACT112 and BUS102 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
Effective financial decision making is crucial every successful organisation. This module will equip you with the tools and techniques that facilitate good financial decisions in order to achieve organisational goals, financial appraisal techniques used to evaluate investment projects and evaluate multiple investment options, how to value stocks, bonds and real estate, and the commonly used derivative instruments and their role in managing risk. |
Course Objectives |
This course aims to achieve varied, multiple, and wide range objectives, which include:
• The different types of organisations that feature in today’s economy and their goals • The avenues through which organisations raise and allocate financial capital • Financial appraisal techniques used to evaluate investment projects and evaluate multiple investment options • How to value stocks, bonds and real estate Commonly used derivative instruments and their role in managing risk.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module learners will be expected to gain knowledge and understanding of:
A1. Develop knowledge and critical understanding of the relevance of organisational and financial structures and systems, and of the various sources and uses of finance A2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of financial techniques, risk estimation and management within an organisation A3. Develop knowledge and understanding of how financial concepts interact with related disciplines, such as statistical analyses and economics. A4. Understand, describe and evaluate the sources, costs and risks associated with the financing of investments. A5. Apply and critically evaluate advanced techniques for investment appraisal.
B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to:
B1. Develop the ability to integrate information and use reasoned approaches to select relevant information and analytical techniques in simple and complex settings. B2. Demonstrate skills in gathering, evaluating and interpreting financial data and information B3. Demonstrate skills in developing an argumentative claim and supporting a point of view using appropriate information and theoretical concepts B4. Demonstrate skills in the effective use of appropriate academic language. B5: Use fundamental business mathematics and other quantitative methods effectively and appropriately.
C. Practical and professional skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1. Apply appropriate decision-making techniques in financial and risk analysis C2. Analyse and critically evaluate real financial data C3. Identify and reflect on key issues that might arise within organisations with respect to financial and risk management approaches. C4. Use tools and techniques of financial management to improve managerial decision making
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1. Relate financial analysis and risk management techniques and concepts to organisational and professional practice D2. Reflect on how financial analysis and decision making can inform practice and next steps of career progression and development D3. Engage with feedback appropriately and develop independent learning skills. D4: Evaluate performance using benchmarks and appropriate measures of return on investment.
B324 Marketing and Society
(8) Credit Hours
This course explores the theory and practice of responsible marketing, addressing the interrelated areas of corporate social responsibility and marketing ethics and the emergent area of social marketing. It examines the impact of established marketing techniques and practices on the promotion of social well-being and behavioural change. You will identify key ethical issues involved in marketing decision-making and the responsibilities of organisations to their stakeholders, including the wider community. Elements of marketing management (such as communications, research and planning) are examined within this wider framework at both a domestic and international level.
Course Code |
B324 |
Course Title |
Marketing and Society |
Pre-requisite |
B205B |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This course explores the theory and practice of responsible marketing, addressing the interrelated areas of corporate social responsibility and marketing ethics and the emergent area of social marketing. It examines the impact of established marketing techniques and practices on the promotion of social well-being and behavioural change. You will identify key ethical issues involved in marketing decision-making and the responsibilities of organisations to their stakeholders, including the wider community. Elements of marketing management (such as communications, research and planning) are examined within this wider framework at both a domestic and international level. |
Course Objectives |
and Sociology. It is a level three course of the B.A. (Hons) in Business
Studies with marketing degree.
This course will develop student's ability to synthesise arguments and assumptions from a variety of sources and perspectives, critically evaluate them and apply relevant concepts in a range of contexts. In particular, student will learn concepts, theories and debates about the roles and responsibilities of marketing in society:
- Identification and critical analysis of relevant issues involved in responsible marketing
- Application of marketing thinking to health and social behaviour
- Application of responsible marketing to own professional context
- Sensitivity to the problems and challenges in both commercial and social marketing.
- Explore how marketing concepts and techniques can be applied to the marketing of social issues as opposed to the more traditional area of commercial marketing;
- Examine how social marketing approaches can change behaviour in order to achieve socially desirable goals;
- Illustrate, through case study examples, the application of concepts and techniques to 'real world' social marketing problems.
The course is a new development in the optional courses of the BA Business Studies Programme. Marketing in Society will build upon the students understanding of aspects of marketing gleaned from earlier courses within the programme but will focus on the importance of responsible marketing.
Students will learn to integrate and use information and/or data appropriately in complex contexts. They will also learn to recognise the limitations of knowledge in the area. The course will provide you with opportunities to develop skills in effective communication of ideas and arguments to relevant audiences. You'll be encouraged to manage your learning and reflect on your development as an independent learner.
The principal learning method used in the course will be problem-based. Usually, students will encounter a short or long case study. They will be expected to make sense of, discuss, analyse, synthesise and evaluate issues and possibilities in the case study. You'll do this by applying your existing knowledge and any new knowledge you can gather from the supplied textbooks, journal articles, electronic sources and course participants. You'll gain knowledge and understanding in the areas of ethics, corporate social responsibility, social marketing, and ethical issues in commercial marketing. The way you are assessed and what you will be assessed on will mirror how you learn and what you learn; the assessment will constitute part of the learning.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1: To
understand and apply concepts, theories and debates about the roles and
responsibilities of marketing in society to real life situations A2: Apply
marketing thinking to the field of health and social behaviour A3:
Demonstrate an understanding about ethics and marketing A4: Green and
environmental marketing, sustainability, fair trade and ethical consumption B. Cognitive
skills B1: Evaluate the relevance of course concepts to a variety of
other contexts B2 Synthesise and critical evaluate arguments and assumptions from
a variety of sources and competing perspectives B3. Recognise the limitations of knowledge in the area C. Practical and professional skills C1: Apply responsible marketing to their own professional context
or one they are familiar with C2:Demonstrate a sensitivity to the problems and
challenges in both commercial and social marketing D. Key transferable skills. D1: Identify and critically analyse relevant issues involved in responsible
social and commercial
marketing D2: Effectively communicate ideas and arguments to relevant
audiences D3: Integrate and use information and/or data in complex contexts
D4: Manage own learning
and reflect on their development as an independent learner
B325 Managing across organisational and cultural boundaries
(8) Credit Hours
B325 is offered as an option at level 3 in the awards: BA (Hons) Business Studies; BA (Hons) Leadership and management. The course aligns well within the educational aims of these programs by developing “the student’s interest in and knowledge of the world of business”. By providing students with the opportunity to draw on their own experience and critically engage with theory with theory relevant to managing across organisational and cultural boundaries, it supports the program’s aim of developing “graduates who bring to their employment in business or organisations of any sort, a range of critically important and highly valued skills”. B325 will complement other courses within the existing suite of courses offered within management and business studies. It will embrace all learners irrespective of their level of attained experience and position within their own organisation.
Course Code |
B325 |
Course Title |
Managing across organisational and cultural boundaries |
Pre-requisite |
BUS310 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
B325 is offered as an option at level 3 in the awards: BA (Hons) Business Studies; BA (Hons) Leadership and management. The course aligns well within the educational aims of these programs by developing “the student’s interest in and knowledge of the world of business”. By providing students with the opportunity to draw on their own experience and critically engage with theory with theory relevant to managing across organisational and cultural boundaries, it supports the program’s aim of developing “graduates who bring to their employment in business or organisations of any sort, a range of critically important and highly valued skills”. B325 will complement other courses within the existing suite of courses offered within management and business studies. It will embrace all learners irrespective of their level of attained experience and position within their own organisation. |
Course Objectives |
aim of the course is fairly to provide students with ways if understanding and
analysing different organisational, inter- organisational and international
context and the ways in which such different contexts influence individuals’
experience of work. Secondly, the course aims to provide students with
knowledge and understanding of themes and challenges pertaining to organising
and managing across this different context; managing aims, power, politics,
trust, cultural diversity and the darker side of organising. The course
embassies the relationships between theory and practice; putting emphasis on
the theoretical underpinnings and debates surrounding the themes whilst at the
same time requiring students to draw on their own experience. Achieving the
intended learning outcomes (covering both knowledge and skills) fully supports
this dual aim.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1:
Inter-organisational collaboration, organisational behaviour, and international
management theories and concepts relevant to managing across organisational and
cultural boundaries. A2: Themes
and challenges pertaining to organizing and managing across intra,
inter-organisational and international contexts including the management of
aims, power, politics, trust, cultural diversity and the darker side of
organising. B. Cognitive
skills B1: Use conceptual frameworks to describe functions of organising and
managing in and across organisational and international contexts. B2: Identify and critically assess different perspectives on
managing and organising. B3: Synthesise, critically evaluate and challenge course relevant
theories of inter-organisational collaboration, organisational behaviour, and
international management. B4: Critically evaluate theories in relation to personal
experiences, organisational, inter-organisational and international setting
with which you are familiar and the relative standpoints of others within
different contexts. C. Practical and professional skills C1: Use and adopt relevant concepts and theories to practically
engage with a range of problems and issues in the work place. C2: Use specific inter-organisational collaboration,
organisational behaviour, and international management knowledge, cognitive and
key skills developed during the course to enhance individual work / practice. D. Key transferable skills. D1: Read and interpret
information presented in a variety of forms including academic journals, books
and on-line text. D2: Articulate ideas and communicate effectively using appropriate
interorganisational collaboration, organisational behaviour, and international
management theories and concepts. D3: Identify and ask questions appropriate to
the exploration and complex concepts. D4: Engage in
reflective, experiential and collaborative learning in face to face and virtual
B326 Advanced Financial Accounting
(8) Credit Hours
This module covers selected advanced financial accounting topics. It introduces different types of inter-entity relationships and related accounting issues and accounting treatments. Students will learn how to prepare, read, analyse and evaluate the consolidated financial statements based on the guidelines provided under the relevant Accounting Standards.
Course Code |
B326 |
Course Title |
Advanced Financial Accounting |
Pre-requisite |
BB293 as per 2022 plan & B291 as per 2017 plan |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This module covers selected advanced financial accounting topics. It introduces different types of inter-entity relationships and related accounting issues and accounting treatments. Students will learn how to prepare, read, analyse and evaluate the consolidated financial statements based on the guidelines provided under the relevant Accounting Standards. |
Course Objectives |
It aims to provide students with the required knowledge of various advanced financial accounting topics that include accounting for business combination, intercompany transactions, consolidations methods, foreign currency transactions, translation of foreign currency financial statements, hedge accounting, and accounting for branches in accordance with the latest accounting standards.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate understanding of current accounting standards and practice pertaining to business combinations. A2: Demonstrate understanding of foreign currency transactions, exchange rates, and hedge accounting A3: Demonstrate understanding of different translation methods of foreign currency financial statements and Accounting for branches.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Review and illustrate the different consolidation methods used in business combination. B2: Explain the implications of exchange rate fluctuations on importing and exporting transactions denominated in foreign currencies. B3: Acknowledge the different translation methods of foreign currency financial statements and its effect on company financial statements. In addition to recognize the special features that necessitate accounting procedures tailored for branches. . C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Prepare the consolidated financial statements at date of acquisition and at date subsequent to acquisition
C2: Prepare the required journal entries for importing and exporting transactions denominated in foreign currencies and demonstrate the implications for the buying and selling companies
C3: Prepare the translated financial statements under different translation methods. Recording the required entries in accounting books of home office and branch and distinguish between alternative methods of billing merchandise shipments. In addition to preparing combined financial statements for home office and branch.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Develop effective written and oral communication skills relevant to advanced financial accounting topics. |
B327 Sustainable enterprise and innovation
(8) Credit Hours
This level 3 module provides intermediate/advanced conceptual and practical learning to students interested in the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation in relation to sustainability context.
B327 is a module addressing sustainability underpinnings (i.e., the TBL approach), the societal impacts of entrepreneurship and innovation, and sustainable enterprise challenge.
Course Code |
B327 |
Course Title |
Sustainable enterprise and innovation |
Pre-requisite |
B207B as per 2022 plan & BUS310 as per 2017 plan |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This level 3 module provides intermediate/advanced conceptual and practical learning to students interested in the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation in relation to sustainability context.
B327 is a module addressing sustainability underpinnings (i.e., the TBL approach), the societal impacts of entrepreneurship and innovation, and sustainable enterprise challenge.
Course Objectives |
This module aims to: • Enable learners to develop independent research and online collaborative skills necessary to engage in enterprise and innovation practices in new and existing organisations. • Encourage students to do so by articulating how entrepreneurship and innovation can be used to satisfy individual goals/objectives while contributing to solving societal problems in an ethical and sustainable manner. • Explore the theoretical and practical connections between the distinct yet closely-interrelated fields of study.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding of sustainable forms of innovative and entrepreneurial ventures within a range of specialist areas, such as Engineering, science and information technology; Creative, leisure and cultural industries; Health and social care. A2: Demonstrate critical understanding of entrepreneurship and innovations within a specialist real world setting, recognising that specialist areas have to be explored at multiple levels of analysis. A3: Apply core theories, concepts and frameworks of innovation and entrepreneurship to understand the strategy, process and operations of enterprises at different stages of their life cycle. A4: Demonstrate critical discussion of the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship on society, both at a conceptual and a practical level, including ethics and sustainability, economic and social benefits to you, the economy and local communities.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Evaluate the distinctive roles played by start-ups and established enterprises in the process of developing and commercializing various forms of innovations. B2: Evaluate the responsibilities of founders, managers, employees and directors within particular types of sustainable enterprises and innovations, including roles and rewards. B3: Apply concepts from enterprise and innovation to critically analyse and evaluate solutions to a variety of societal challenges.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Work independently and as part of collaborative teams to develop attributes and capabilities for entrepreneurial success in a complex and changing environment. C2: Critically evaluate and reflect on student’s own career development objectives.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Create and apply conceptual thinking for the process of enterprise development. D2: Independently find, critically analyse and design competitive and sustainable strategies for developing and introducing innovations into particular markets. D3: Negotiating, influencing, and agreeing roles and rewards within founder teams in entrepreneurial settings, doing so in a legitimate ethical manner. D4: Appropriately plan and solve problems in entrepreneurial and innovative settings.
B328 Marketing in Action
(8) Credit Hours
The B328 module is built around marketing communications as a fundamental marketing practice and is informed by insights from practitioners. In this module, you will cover a range of topics related to marketing practice and will be encouraged to cultivate a broad spectrum of skills pertaining to marketing, employability and professional practice.
Course Code |
B328 |
Course Title |
Marketing in Action |
Pre-requisite |
BUS208 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
The B328 module is built around marketing communications as a fundamental marketing practice and is informed by insights from practitioners. In this module, you will cover a range of topics related to marketing practice and will be encouraged to cultivate a broad spectrum of skills pertaining to marketing, employability and professional practice. |
Course Objectives |
In this module you will cover a range of topics related to marketing practice and will be encouraged to cultivate a broad spectrum of skills pertaining to marketing, employability and professional practice. The content, activities and assessments are designed to help you develop and demonstrate your mastery of these skills. You will be asked to reflect on and document your skills as you progress through the module; this will enable you to record and evidence them for future use. Many of these skills, such as cultivating creativity and staying up to date with developments, will have benefits to you beyond the practice of marketing.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1 : Demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding of marketing communication theory and practice A2 : Demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding of approaches to marketing research and staying up-to-date about developments in the marketing discipline and societal trends A3 : Demonstrate critical understanding of responsible and ethical marketing
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1 : Evaluate and integrate evidence and theory and apply them to marketing practice B2 : Apply appropriate professional marketing skills in an unpredictable and/or specialised context B3 : Appreciate the potential uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge in marketing practice
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1 : As an independent learner, plan, monitor and evaluate your own learning and seek ways to improve your performance and prospects
C2 : Recognise the importance of developing both technical and non-technical skills and of learning from feedback and self-reflection C3 : Critically engage with practical and professional marketing skills and demonstrate an awareness of relevant responsible and ethical issues in marketing practice
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1 : Create and evaluate a marketing communications campaign and materials for different organisations and brands D2 : Independently find, critically evaluate and use a wide range of information, data or tools accurately in complex contexts D3 : Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes.
B329 Leadership in a changing world
(8) Credit Hours
B329 provides the opportunity to learn about leadership in dynamic risky times as to develop as sense of positive leadership. Technological changes, social networking and their impact on leadership skills are assessed allowing to discover new emergent styles of leadership needed to improve the status quo.
Course Code |
B329 |
Course Title |
Leadership in a changing world |
Pre-requisite |
B207B |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
B329 provides the opportunity to learn about leadership in dynamic risky times as to develop as sense of positive leadership. Technological changes, social networking and their impact on leadership skills are assessed allowing to discover new emergent styles of leadership needed to improve the status quo. |
Course Objectives |
By the end of the module, students will be able to:
develop your critical thinking, problem solving and storytelling skills; explain leadership related concepts to different audiences (academic, professional, the general public) and using a wide range of media; reflect on their own leadership potential and capabilities.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Identify leadership functions and concepts A2: Recognize leadership in turbulent times. A3: Acquire knowledge of developing leadership opportunities. A4: Acquire knowledge of leadership challenges.
B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to:
B1: Differentiate between previous concepts of leadership learned and leadership in precarious times. B2: Examine different environments while referring to leadership in turbulent times such as socio-political environment, populism, multicultural world, etc. B3: Evaluate the role of diversity, positive relationships and collaborations, mobilizing followers, coping with conflict and change, in developing leadership activities. B4: Examine the impact of resistance leadership, activist leadership, leadership and social change.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: As an independent learner, deal with leadership in turbulent times through case studies, projects, etc. C2: Recognize leadership opportunities and apply them to case studies, work, etc. C3: Critically engage with leadership challenges and propose practical ways to overcome them.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
D1: Independently develop their critical thinking, problem solving and storytelling skills. D2: Evaluate leadership related concepts to different audiences (academic, professional, the general public) and using a wide range of media. D3: Exercise leadership and communicate ideas clearly to convince others and responsibly challenge their classmates having other ideas, opinions, or methods of solving. D4: Reflect on their own leadership potential and capabilities.
B391 Management accounting and finance
(8) Credit Hours
B391 is a module that provides an opportunity to explore the understanding of the management accounting and financial dimension into the contexts of international financial markets, investments, and managerial decision making within organisations. The content of the module is designed to develop a thorough understanding of the discipline and to stimulate students’ interest in key management accounting and international financial concepts and issues managers face within contemporary organisations. The module seeks to support students in the practical application of the skills and techniques acquired. Alongside theory reflecting contemporary developments in management accounting and international financial research, students are offered the chance to reflect on real world events.
Course Code |
B391 |
Course Title |
Management accounting and finance |
Pre-requisite |
B294 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
B391 is a module that provides an opportunity to explore the understanding of the management accounting and financial dimension into the contexts of international financial markets, investments, and managerial decision making within organisations. The content of the module is designed to develop a thorough understanding of the discipline and to stimulate students’ interest in key management accounting and international financial concepts and issues managers face within contemporary organisations. The module seeks to support students in the practical application of the skills and techniques acquired. Alongside theory reflecting contemporary developments in management accounting and international financial research, students are offered the chance to reflect on real world events. |
Course Objectives |
The aim of the B391 module is to provide students with an insight in management accounting and finance on a more advanced level and have deeper knowledge and understanding about the various concepts. Students will be updated concerning the more recent development in management accounting and finance. The module will enable students to take part in the design and use of management accounting systems in organizations and be able to relate management accounting to issues discussed in other tracks like marketing, incentive systems (management as well as international business. After studying the course, the students should be able to:
1. To situate the role of strategic management accounting and finance within the broader content of organizational and industry differences. 2. Understand the techniques that play an important role in the formulation and implementation of budgets, control, project appraisal and financing of organisations. 3. Understand the international financial environment. 4. Understand and use a range of contemporary management accounting and finance techniques. |
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of organisational and financial structures and systems A2: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of financial techniques, risk estimation and management within an organisation A3: Apply appropriate decision making techniques in financial analysis A4: Understand and assess how financial concepts interact with related disciplines, such as statistical analyses and economics
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Demonstrate skills for gathering, evaluating and analysing relevant data and information. B2: Evaluate and integrate effective use of financial techniques (and relevant related concepts) to analyse organisational scenarios.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1. Critically engage with management accounting and international financial management techniques and concepts to organisational and professional practice C2. As an independent learner, demonstrate competence in the core management accounting and financial management and analysis techniques and the core organisational, financial and economic concepts.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
D1. Independently identify and analyze organizational problems; analyze and evaluate real financial data D2. Independently identify and reflect on key issues that might arise within organizations with respect to international financial management approaches D3. Interpret, use and evaluate relevant data and information.
B392 Advanced Management Accounting
(8) Credit Hours
The module offers students the opportunity to continue their studies in the BA Business Studies after they have completed the B291 & B292 modules. It builds on the knowledge and skills students have learned in B292 by focusing on theories, concepts and techniques at a more advanced level. The learning outcomes also include a critical evaluation of the theories and techniques and their application in ambiguous settings using case study approach. Business entities operate in economic turbulent environments. Under these constraints, decisions taken by managers of business units can vary and differ depending on the manager’s and the company’s pursuit of goals and objectives. Proper economic analysis and use of appropriate techniques and tools are therefore mandatory for managers and decision makers. The module can be used to understand strategy and to situate the role of strategic management accounting within the broader content of organizational and industry differences using theories, tools, techniques and relevant case studies and examples. Basic skills of quantitative proficiency is required in order to understand pricing decisions techniques, financial measures of performance, investments , EVA , Variance analysis , budgeting costing etc. This module provides students with a solid base of Advanced management Accounting study and practice.
Course Code |
B392 |
Course Title |
Advanced Management Accounting |
Pre-requisite |
B292 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
The module offers students the opportunity to continue their studies in the BA Business Studies after they have completed the B291 & B292 modules. It builds on the knowledge and skills students have learned in B292 by focusing on theories, concepts and techniques at a more advanced level. The learning outcomes also include a critical evaluation of the theories and techniques and their application in ambiguous settings using case study approach. Business entities operate in economic turbulent environments. Under these constraints, decisions taken by managers of business units can vary and differ depending on the manager’s and the company’s pursuit of goals and objectives. Proper economic analysis and use of appropriate techniques and tools are therefore mandatory for managers and decision makers. The module can be used to understand strategy and to situate the role of strategic management accounting within the broader content of organizational and industry differences using theories, tools, techniques and relevant case studies and examples. Basic skills of quantitative proficiency is required in order to understand pricing decisions techniques, financial measures of performance, investments , EVA , Variance analysis , budgeting costing etc. This module provides students with a solid base of Advanced management Accounting study and practice. |
Course Objectives |
The aim of the module is to give students insight in management accounting on a more advanced level and have deeper knowledge and understanding about management accounting issues including its problems and difficulties. Students will be updated concerning the more recent development in management accounting and the emergence of new methods and their effects in organizations. The module will enable students to take part in the design and use of management accounting systems in organizations and be able to relate management accounting to issues discussed in other tracks like marketing, incentive systems (management as well as international business. After studying the course, the students should be able to: - To situate the role of strategic management accounting within the broader content of organizational and industry differences.
- Understand management accounting techniques that play an important role in the formulation and implementation of business strategy.
- Understand what strategies organizations use to finance their activities.
- Students will be introduced to financial risk management and the strategic implications of financing the organization.
- Be familiar with a range of contemporary cost management techniques.
- Able to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, discuss issues regarding implementation and effectiveness and assess various strategic options. Identify the main characteristics of different market types (perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly) and predict price and output outcomes.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1 :
Understand the role of strategic management accounting and apply a strategic
analysis framework in simple complex settings. A2
:Critically select , apply and evaluate management accounting techniques in
strategic costing and pricing including value chain analysis , activity based
costing and business process optimization approaches. A3:
Understand, describe and evaluate the sources , costs and risks associated with
the financing of investments. A4: Apply and
critically evaluate advanced techniques for investment appraisal. A5: Explain,
apply and evaluate methods of accounting control and performance evaluation for
the purpose of improving strategic and operational performance of
organizations. B. Cognitive
skills B1: Develop the ability to integrate information and use reasoned
approaches to select relevant information and analytical techniques in simple
and complex settings. B2: Compare critically and use different approaches to issues and
problems within management accounting. B3: Communicate management accounting information effectively and
appropriately. B4: Use information and communication technologies appropriately
and effectively. B5: Use fundamental business mathematics and other quantitative
methods effectively and appropriately C. Practical and professional skills C1: Apply digital technologies to analyse data using strategic
management techniques, e.g spread sheets.
C2: Frame problems in ambiguous settings independently .Identify
and critically select appropriate information both from digital and print
sources to address these. C3: Use a combination of electronic applications to communicate
analysis and findings. C4: Use tools and techniques of management accounting to improve managerial decision making. D. Key transferable skills. D1: Provide students with knowledge and understanding of
management accounting techniques that play an important role in in the
formulation and implementation of business strategy. D2: Examine two key areas of financial management of organizations
and link them to the management accounting and strategic activities of
organizations. D3: Build on the material already studied by students on
investment appraisal, adding theoretical depth and a critical evaluation of the
D4: Evaluate performance
using benchmarks and appropriate measures of return on investment.
B628 Managing 1: Organizations and People
(8) Credit Hours
This module is designed for managers, aspiring managers, team leaders and supervisors; it uses activities and problem-solving to take you through core topics in organizational behavior and human resource management. Topics include organizational context and culture, stakeholders, management roles, recruitment and induction, performance management, motivation, team work, managing operations and change. These are focused primarily on your own work situations and practices, whether these are in the commercial, public or voluntary sectors.
Course Code |
B628 |
Course Title |
Managing 1: Organizations and People |
Pre-requisite |
B207B |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This module is designed for managers, aspiring managers, team leaders and supervisors; it uses activities and problem-solving to take you through core topics in organizational behavior and human resource management. Topics include organizational context and culture, stakeholders, management roles, recruitment and induction, performance management, motivation, team work, managing operations and change. These are focused primarily on your own work situations and practices, whether these are in the commercial, public or voluntary sectors. |
Course Objectives |
By the
end of the course students will be enabled to critically reflect on and analyse
workplace situations and their own ways of managing. It is ‘solution oriented’
to help students to not only understand work situations from a manager’s
perspective, but also to help them to work out what to do, given that they may
not be in charge of the organisation they work for. As they work through
activities, problems and solutions, they will question the idea that there are
single solutions or issues or that there is ‘one best way’. they will come to
understand the constraints, choices and demands that operate and learn when to
work within them and when and how they may be able to bring about change.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding Module 1 : Managing A1: the role and context of managerial work with particular
reference to the development of own practice.
A2: managerial skills ( including problem solving , decision
making, information gathering treatment and presentation) Module 2: A3: Key processes of people management, incorporating the
recruitment and development of staff and the management and leadership of
individuals, teams and change. A4: Behavioural aspects of the management of leadership of
individuals, teams and change. B. Cognitive skills B1:apply management concepts
to work context. B2: analyse and critically reflect on work practice and
professional self knowledge. B3: solve management problems through the use of the analytical
skills including problem identification, analysis, logic, thinking and
judgement to the advantage of one's own organization. C. Practical and professional skills C1: Setting objectives for developing and implementing Operational plans for the area of
responsibility. C2: Reviewing and evaluating performance and practice. C3: reflecting and questioning.
C4: presenting and reporting information. C5: problem solving, innovation and decision-making. C6: Managing business
processes. D. Key transferable skills. D1: Use interpersonal skills including those involved in team
working and collaborating. D2: communicate effectively , using management vocabulary, both
orally and in writing and listen
actively . D3: Gather, handle , present and use information effectively;
analyse and evaluate numerical data and information for specific purposes; use
information technologies. D4: Demonstrate numeracy and literacy
D5: Learn how to learn
with an emphasis on self-monitoring and progress towards independent learning.
B629 Managing 2: Marketing and Finance
(8) Credit Hours
Main elements and realities of a manager’s job and explains how one can develop and organize himself to be effective and successful in his role. Managing in modern organizations is not easy: no context is the same; the ‘right’ decision in one organization may be the ‘wrong’ one in another, or at another time. There is no ‘one best way’. However, there is also ‘received wisdom’ – tried and tested practices and behaviours that are usually effective in bringing about the result a manager wants. These are included in this module where appropriate. But even ‘good practice’ needs adaptation: time or resources may be in short supply and a manager may have to do the best he or she can with what’s available. This is the art of management: doing what’s possible in the best way possible in the circumstances to achieve, through others, the goals for which an organization is striving.
Course Code |
B629 |
Course Title |
Managing 2: Marketing and Finance |
Pre-requisite |
- |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
Main elements and realities of a manager’s job and explains how one can develop and organize himself to be effective and successful in his role. Managing in modern organizations is not easy: no context is the same; the ‘right’ decision in one organization may be the ‘wrong’ one in another, or at another time. There is no ‘one best way’. However, there is also ‘received wisdom’ – tried and tested practices and behaviours that are usually effective in bringing about the result a manager wants. These are included in this module where appropriate. But even ‘good practice’ needs adaptation: time or resources may be in short supply and a manager may have to do the best he or she can with what’s available. This is the art of management: doing what’s possible in the best way possible in the circumstances to achieve, through others, the goals for which an organization is striving. |
Course Objectives |
B629- Managing 2: Marketing and Finance will cover core topics in
Marketing and Finance. Topics include;
assessing the external environment, consumer relationship, market research,
product/service analysis, price, promotion and delivery, quality, consumer expectations
and satisfaction, financial planning and monitoring through budgets, cash flow,
profit and loss. All these topics will
focus primarily on student’s own work situations and practices. The teaching
and learning strategy of this module is problem-based. Through this approach,
the module aims to develop the skills an effective manager needs: such as
analysis, constructing sound arguments, critical and reflective thinking,
problem identification and solving, active listening and communication, sourcing
and presenting information, and report writing. The course is a management
development vehicle that aims to help student perform more effectively as
managers. It does so by: - Increasing student’s foundation management knowledge and competencies
- Providing a repertoire of theories, concepts, and techniques to apply in different management setting -Helping students understand their individual management role, its context and nature of their interventions in their organizations
- Encouraging student to be reflective practitioners, applying independent and inquisitive learning in the workplace
- Enabling students to understand the discourse of specialist and senior managers better, so that they can hold more confident and informed conversations with them, work more effectively with and where appropriate challenge them.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding A1: Client
communications, relationships, the role of marketing information and the
development of value. A2: Marketing
planning, service quality with particular reference to own practice. A3:
Understand how financial information can be used to support managerial decision
making (i.e. the relevance of the generation and reporting of financial
information) A4:
Understand the importance of costs costing and budgeting processes in
managerial decisions A5: Have a good understanding of how business concepts
relate to real life businesses, organizations A6:
Importance of performance management for organisations B. Cognitive skills B1. Apply management concepts to work contexts B2. Analyse and critically reflect on work practice and
professional self-knowledge B3. Solve management problems through the use of analytical skills
including problem-identification, analysis, logic, critical thinking and
judgment to the advantage of one’s own organization B4. Communicate effectively, using management vocabulary, both
orally and in writing and listen actively. Use interpersonal skills including
those involved in team working and collaborating B5. Gather, handle, present and use information effectively;
analyse and evaluate numerical data and information for specific purposes; use
information technologies B6. Demonstrate numeracy and literacy and Learn how to
learn with an emphasis on self-monitoring and progress towards independent
learning B7. Critical thinking, analysis and synthesis. C. Practical and professional skills C1. Setting objectives for, developing and implementing
operational plans for area of
responsibility C2. Reviewing and evaluating performance & practice C3. Reflecting and questioning C4. Presenting and reporting
information C5. Problem-solving, innovation and decision-making by using tools
and techniques and models C6. Apply key concepts to managerial decision making the Managing of
business processes
D. Key transferable skills. D1. Use interpersonal skills including those involved in team
working and collaborating D2. Communicate effectively, using management vocabulary, both
orally and in writing and listen actively D3. Gather, handle, present and use information effectively;
analyse and evaluate numerical data and information for specific purposes; use
information technologies D4. Demonstrate numeracy and literacy
D5. Learn how to learn
with an emphasis on self-monitoring and progress towards independent learning
B870A Managing in a changing world-Management
(4) Credit Hours
The module provides you with the opportunity to develop and learn about managing and marketing in relation to your working life and personal practice. As an aspiring organisational decision-maker, you'll gain the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully take advantage of cutting-edge theories of management and human resource management. This will be linked to the values of collective responsibility, aesthetics and ethics. You'll become empowered to create responsible growth, across a range of private sector, public and not for profit organisations, while also critically reflecting on your own potential in terms of leadership and management practice. In addition, you'll explores the ways in which marketing can be used to more effectively help organisations to be both successful and forward thinking in a business environment that is quickly moving beyond traditional geographic, cultural and organisational boundaries. The module offers a developmental route appropriate for the first module of an MBA, which builds on and consolidates knowledge through a series of activities and text.
Course Code |
B870A |
Course Title |
Managing in a changing world-Management |
Pre-requisite |
- |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
The module provides you with the opportunity to develop and learn about managing and marketing in relation to your working life and personal practice. As an aspiring organisational decision-maker, you'll gain the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully take advantage of cutting-edge theories of management and human resource management. This will be linked to the values of collective responsibility, aesthetics and ethics. You'll become empowered to create responsible growth, across a range of private sector, public and not for profit organisations, while also critically reflecting on your own potential in terms of leadership and management practice. In addition, you'll explores the ways in which marketing can be used to more effectively help organisations to be both successful and forward thinking in a business environment that is quickly moving beyond traditional geographic, cultural and organisational boundaries. The module offers a developmental route appropriate for the first module of an MBA, which builds on and consolidates knowledge through a series of activities and text. |
Course Objectives |
This module enables students to:
Unit I: - Demonstrate a sound knowledge of a wide range of perspectives on managing
- Identify and evaluate some of the complex challenges and tensions facing contemporary managers
- Employ traditional and contemporary ideas about managing to extrapolate your learning across private, public and not-for-profit sectors
- Critically engage with everyday news items, synthesising academic ideas with practical action
- Evaluate the diverse range of media available for managing, communicating and maintaining relationships with employees and customers
- Demonstrate how integrating academic theories across a wide range of organisational contexts can promote a reflective, thoughtful and considered approach for leading and managing people.
Unit II: - Demonstrate a sound knowledge of a wide range of perspectives on marketing theory and practice
- Understand the complex challenges and tensions facing managers as they seek to implement marketing ideas
- Appreciate the different ways that marketing can help deliver a wide range of positive social benefits, and create economic value
- Engage with traditional and contemporary ideas about marketing, including how to extrapolate your learning across private, public and not-for-profit sectors
- Critically engage with everyday news items, synthesising academic ideas with practical action.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
A1. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of a wide range of perspectives on management and marketing.
A.2 Identify and evaluate some of the complex challenges and tensions facing contemporary managers.
A3. Appreciate the different ways that management and leadership can help deliver a wide range of positive social benefits and create economic value. B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Employ traditional and contemporary ideas about managing to extrapolate your learning across private, public and not-for-profit sectors.
B2: Critically engage with everyday news items, synthesising academic ideas with practical action.
C. Practical and professional skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Reflect on the multiple possibilities available that may facilitate a thoughtful and considered approach towards leading and managing people.
C2: Use data from diverse actors and parts of the organisation to make effective decisions, while recognising the need to clarify and/or challenge underlying assumptions and limitations. D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Identify, challenge and analyse examples of ethical and unethical practices from the perspective of socially responsible managers, employees and customers. D2: Assess how contemporary and future technologies might change the practice of managing.
D3: Evaluate the diverse range of media available for analysis in relation to managing and maintaining relationships
D4: Demonstrate how integrating academic theories across a wide range of organisational contexts can promote a reflective, thoughtful and considered approach for leading and managing people.
B870B Managing in a changing world-Marketing
(4) Credit Hours
B870 Part B Managing in a changing world. While studying this module, you will be encouraged to develop, as well as challenge, your current knowledge and skills in order to meet the contemporary and rapidly changing areas of management, marketing, ethics and leadership. Using both independent and collaborative approaches to learning, this module will enable you to integrate and understand ways of managing these core business functions in the face of globalisation, technological advancements and other recent economic, social and political challenges. B 870 B Theme provides a coherent and strong conceptual narrative to the module. These overarching themes provide a way of relating different and disparate knowledge to a conceptually organised framework. The theme consists of, Unitarism and Pluralism, challenges the idea that there is one best way and the assumption that when we speak of ‘an organisation’ we are talking about one harmonious and homogenous entity.
Course Code |
B870B |
Course Title |
Managing in a changing world-Marketing |
Pre-requisite |
B870A |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
B870 Part B Managing in a changing world. While studying this module, you will be encouraged to develop, as well as challenge, your current knowledge and skills in order to meet the contemporary and rapidly changing areas of management, marketing, ethics and leadership. Using both independent and collaborative approaches to learning, this module will enable you to integrate and understand ways of managing these core business functions in the face of globalisation, technological advancements and other recent economic, social and political challenges. B 870 B Theme provides a coherent and strong conceptual narrative to the module. These overarching themes provide a way of relating different and disparate knowledge to a conceptually organised framework. The theme consists of, Unitarism and Pluralism, challenges the idea that there is one best way and the assumption that when we speak of ‘an organisation’ we are talking about one harmonious and homogenous entity. |
Course Objectives |
This module enables students to:
Unit III: - Identify, challenge, and analyse examples of ethical and unethical practices from the perspective of socially responsible managers, employees, and customers
- Analyse the different ways that managing and leading can help deliver a wide range of positive social benefits and create economic value.
- Understand the complex challenges and tensions facing those managing in contemporary times
- Reflect on the multiple possibilities that may facilitate a thoughtful approach towards leading and managing people.
- Use data from diverse parts of the organisation to make effective decisions, while clearly surfacing underlying assumptions and limitations
- Critically engage with everyday news items, synthesising academic ideas with practical action
- Understand how reflective management practice, using academic theories and module themes, can promote learning across a wide range of organisational contexts.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
A1. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of a wide range of perspectives on management and marketing.
A.2 Identify and evaluate some of the complex challenges and tensions facing contemporary managers.
A3. Appreciate the different ways that management and leadership can help deliver a wide range of positive social benefits and create economic value.
B. Cognitive skillsAt the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Employ traditional and contemporary ideas about managing to extrapolate your learning across private, public and not-for-profit sectors. B2: Critically engage with everyday news items, synthesising academic ideas with practical action.
C. Practical and professional skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Reflect on the multiple possibilities available that may facilitate a thoughtful and considered approach towards leading and managing people. C2: Use data from diverse actors and parts of the organisation to make effective decisions, while recognising the need to clarify and/or challenge underlying assumptions and limitations.
D Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Identify, challenge, and analyse examples of ethical and unethical practices from the perspective of socially responsible managers, employees, and customers. D2: Assess how contemporary and future technologies might change the practice of managing. D3: Evaluate the diverse range of media available for analysis in relation to managing and maintaining relationships D4: Demonstrate how integrating academic theories across a wide range of organisational contexts can promote a reflective, thoughtful, and considered approach for leading and managing people. |
B872 Creating and sustaining value-Financial Management
(4) Credit Hours
This course is an elective for the direct entrants to the Finance track of the MBA programme. The scope of this course relates to the central managerial aspects of understanding, creating, improving and sustaining value within contemporary organisations. This course will enable the participant to gain a greater understanding of how decisions and organisational performance can be optimised. This module will help you understand how different business functions, such as management accounting, financial reporting, operations management and business intelligence, contribute to sustainable value creation. Most importantly, the module moves beyond a treatment of functional areas, towards a systemic view of organisational functions. Through this systemic view, you will be able to expand your critical understanding of what constitutes organisational value and how a range of value perspectives can be implemented within diverse organisational contexts. By the end of this module, you should have a greater understanding of what creating and sustaining value is and be more confident in applying these ideas in your daily work life.
Course Code |
B872 |
Course Title |
Creating and sustaining value-Financial Management |
Pre-requisite |
B870A |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This course is an elective for the direct entrants to the Finance track of the MBA programme. The scope of this course relates to the central managerial aspects of understanding, creating, improving and sustaining value within contemporary organisations. This course will enable the participant to gain a greater understanding of how decisions and organisational performance can be optimised. This module will help you understand how different business functions, such as management accounting, financial reporting, operations management and business intelligence, contribute to sustainable value creation. Most importantly, the module moves beyond a treatment of functional areas, towards a systemic view of organisational functions. Through this systemic view, you will be able to expand your critical understanding of what constitutes organisational value and how a range of value perspectives can be implemented within diverse organisational contexts. By the end of this module, you should have a greater understanding of what creating and sustaining value is and be more confident in applying these ideas in your daily work life. |
Course Objectives |
This module enables students to:
- Understand the fundamentals of making theoretically and empirically informed value transformations.
- Apply modeling and technology tools appropriate for the ways business organizations create value.
- Understand the cross functional issues relating to the ways organizations create and sustain value.
- Apply quantitative methods to quantify decision making in making changes to value chains.
- Understand the relations between operational processes, financial management practices and the ways that organisations create and sustain value.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Understand value creation in organisations and its relationship to organisational performance. A2: Identify and analyse decision-making complexity in a range of product-focused and service organisations. A3: Develop a theoretically informed understanding of the connections between strategy formulation, operational Management and financial management. A4: Understand how business intelligence creates value for organisations.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Carry out research in the field of creating and sustaining value drawing on the published empirical research. B2: Critically collect and use valuable information and develop analysis and synthesis across different organizational functions. B3: Identify problems and suggest sustainable solutions. B4: Create value in organisations and quantify its relationship to organisational performance.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Be able to positively affect organizational performance by using strategies that contribute to sustainable value creation. C2: Build a systematic value creation framework that can be implemented within diverse organisational contexts. C3: Create a complementary strategy that enhances the dynamic between the fields of operational and financial management. C4: Use business intelligence and data to create value within business organizations. C5: Create solutions for sustainable solutions for problems inherent in the value chain. C6: Create a value proposition of the firm including the value chain, value-based management, shareholder value, and value metrics
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Demonstrate effective research skills and carry out sustainable value creation strategies within the value chain of business organization. D2: Demonstrate how objectives of organizations affect the process of creating and sustaining value. D3: Work independently, reflecting on own actions and thoughts, and make effective use of constructive feedback. D4: Acquire the skills for use of business intelligence in creating value. D5: Demonstrate effective oral and writing skills.
B873 Effective Strategic management
(8) Credit Hours
This module B873 Effective strategic management in business and the public sector will provide the student with the necessary tools to become an effective strategic decision-maker. Students will learn about the strategic analysis of the organizational environment, strategic decision-making processes, and the implementation of preferred strategic choices. The module will also support the development of soft skills, which student will require both to progress in the qualification and succeed in the workplace by applying their learning to their own context. By the end of this module, student should have a greater understanding of what strategic management is and be able to apply their learning to your own workplace. This module intends to provide student's ways of increasing levels of engagement and improving performance, in acting ethically and in managing change. This module draws on case studies and the experience of their fellow students working in different geographical areas and sectors; and they will also look at the development over time of thinking about the role of strategy in order to understand how this may influence current thinking. The emphasis throughout will be on considering what Strategy practices are associated with positive organizational outcomes. Students will develop and practice the skills they will need to be effective as a Strategist, including as a leader and a senior manager. These include self-management, leading and working in teams, making decisions, managing and communicating information, including financial information, consultancy skills and helping others to learn. They will also develop postgraduate study skills and digital literacy skills. Most importantly this module will develop students’’ skills as a reflective practitioner, committed to continuously learning from reflection on their practice and on the critical application of new theories and ideas to inform this practice.
Course Code |
B873 |
Course Title |
Effective Strategic management |
Pre-requisite |
B870A |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This module B873 Effective strategic management in business and the public sector will provide the student with the necessary tools to become an effective strategic decision-maker. Students will learn about the strategic analysis of the organizational environment, strategic decision-making processes, and the implementation of preferred strategic choices. The module will also support the development of soft skills, which student will require both to progress in the qualification and succeed in the workplace by applying their learning to their own context. By the end of this module, student should have a greater understanding of what strategic management is and be able to apply their learning to your own workplace. This module intends to provide student's ways of increasing levels of engagement and improving performance, in acting ethically and in managing change. This module draws on case studies and the experience of their fellow students working in different geographical areas and sectors; and they will also look at the development over time of thinking about the role of strategy in order to understand how this may influence current thinking. The emphasis throughout will be on considering what Strategy practices are associated with positive organizational outcomes. Students will develop and practice the skills they will need to be effective as a Strategist, including as a leader and a senior manager. These include self-management, leading and working in teams, making decisions, managing and communicating information, including financial information, consultancy skills and helping others to learn. They will also develop postgraduate study skills and digital literacy skills. Most importantly this module will develop students’’ skills as a reflective practitioner, committed to continuously learning from reflection on their practice and on the critical application of new theories and ideas to inform this practice. |
Course Objectives |
The aim of this Module is to: Unit-1 - define strategy and distinguish strategic issues from operational issues
- examine the meaning of mission, vision, values, and corporate governance in a global context and link them to the strategy process
- distinguish strategy from public policy
- identify how strategy is linked to organisational performance
- conduct a stakeholder analysis
- design a non-market strategy for an organisation.
Unit-2 - examine the role of strategic analysis in business and public service organisations
- analyse external and internal factors of an organisation
- apply tools for strategic analysis, such as the Five Forces Model, strategic group analysis, the VRIO model and the VUCA framework
- use financial and non-financial indicators to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation
- evaluate the implications of organisational analysis for strategy selection and implementation.
- evaluate the role that managers play in the decision-making processes of their organisations
- identify and analyse Porter's generic strategies
- define the concepts of 'business model' and 'business model innovation'
- list and assess the different types of headquarters strategies that exist
- examine why firms may decide to expand to new countries and how they can do so
- develop and select strategic options in business and public service organisations.
- identify and evaluate the barriers to strategy implementation in business and the public sector
- define organisational culture, organisational structure and control systems
- examine how organisations can successfully manage substantial strategic change
- evaluate the suitability of novel management practices invented by cutting-edge companies for other organisations.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1. Demonstrate a systematic critical understanding of the theories and frameworks underpinning the strategy process at the different levels where strategies are developed in organisations, including the international context. A2. Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the appropriate theories and frameworks to systematically analyse the external and internal environments of organisations, as well as the associated stakeholders. A3. Demonstrate a systematic critical understanding of the challenges, risks, and ambiguities related to the strategic decision-making process and the implementation phase.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1. Work with the appropriate data to generate information relevant to strategy development. B2. Critically apply conceptual knowledge to the development of strategy in different situations and contexts. B3. Apply appropriate information and theoretical concepts concisely and coherently to justify a point of view.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1. Make management decisions based on the evidence available. C2. Develop as an independent and reflective management practitioner.
D Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1. Understand the ethical implications of management practice and respond to ethical issues as a socially responsible professional. D2. Communicate effectively using a wide range of media. D3. Reflect critically on learning from workplace practice.
B874 Finance for strategic decision making
(4) Credit Hours
This module will provide you with the necessary tools to use financial information and other data for making management decisions. You will learn a range of accounting and data analysis techniques as well as being introduced to the workings of the financial markets. Additionally, the module will make use of Excel spreadsheets and discuss good spreadsheet practice. The module is designed for professionals from a wide range of contexts and backgrounds who need to actively to engage with the challenges of using financial and other quantitative information for making decisions.
Course Code |
B874 |
Course Title |
Finance for strategic decision making |
Pre-requisite |
co-requisite B872 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This module will provide you with the necessary tools to use financial information and other data for making management decisions. You will learn a range of accounting and data analysis techniques as well as being introduced to the workings of the financial markets. Additionally, the module will make use of Excel spreadsheets and discuss good spreadsheet practice. The module is designed for professionals from a wide range of contexts and backgrounds who need to actively to engage with the challenges of using financial and other quantitative information for making decisions. |
Course Objectives |
This module enables students to: - Decide what constitutes relevant information for making decisions.
- Take account of multiple, potential options, and assessing investment in a major capital project.
- Examine the various markets to access funds (stock, bond, foreign exchange and derivative) and consider the features of the instruments traded therein.
- Know about more strategic matters and consider how the actions of others might affect the decisions the company takes.
- Know the basics of data analysis.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Apply a range of decision-making techniques to maximise value within organisations, operating within an economic financial context. A2: Understand how organisations make decisions in both the internal and external financial and strategic contexts, with particular emphasis on financial markets. A3: Understand the linkages between financial and strategic goals to evaluate the optimum resource allocation leading to value generation.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: B1: Collate and assess the usefulness of various data in making financial decisions. B2: Assess the strength and shortcomings of data and analytic methods and the behaviours of decision-makers.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Analyse and select appropriate decision-making tools and apply them to a range of scenarios. C2: Reflect on the financial skills used and their applicability to the workplace and other financial contexts.
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Use an analytical toolbox for making optimal decisions in an entrepreneurial work environment. D2: Explain and apply the decision-making techniques and knowledge via a range of media. D3: Understand the importance of financial risk in effective leadership. D4: Reflect critically on the knowledge acquired and it relation to workplace practice. Practical and/or professional skills.
B875 MBA project: leaders of change (Capstone)
(8) Credit Hours
This module will build specialized expertise by putting the theory and central managerial aspects taught on the MBA into practice, engaging in a life-changing learning that can challenge students understanding of theories and management practices. Students will identify a real problem in an organization and look for a change that will help solve this problem. This will enable students to develop as leaders of change that go beyond mere applications of theoretical and practical skills to be reflective practitioners, critical thinkers, and independent professionals. In this module students study contemporary aspects of management and industry in depth, carry out high level research, utilize data, evaluate literature, and present their findings accurately and concisely.
Course Code |
B875 |
Course Title |
MBA project: leaders of change (Capstone) |
Pre-requisite |
For MBA(General): B873 and B874/ For MBA (HR): B863 and B874/ For MBA (Finance): B859 and B874 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This module will build specialized expertise by putting the theory and central managerial aspects taught on the MBA into practice, engaging in a life-changing learning that can challenge students understanding of theories and management practices. Students will identify a real problem in an organization and look for a change that will help solve this problem. This will enable students to develop as leaders of change that go beyond mere applications of theoretical and practical skills to be reflective practitioners, critical thinkers, and independent professionals. In this module students study contemporary aspects of management and industry in depth, carry out high level research, utilize data, evaluate literature, and present their findings accurately and concisely. |
Course Objectives |
At the end of Unit I, student will be able to:
- have an overview of what the module is about, its structure and assessment
- examine the nature of applied research in a management context and explain some different ways in which management theory can be seen as valid and making contributions to management practice
- identify and justify an organizational context for students' projects through assessment and analysis of external and internal factors
- refine students' ideas and develop research questions that help to understand the problem and change identified
- critically analyze organizational problem through relevant literature and theories.
At the end of Unit II students will be able to:
- understand and manage practice-based research projects
- explain the various stages of a practice-based research project and outline a plan for producing theirs
- identify the most important stakeholders for the project and explore how to engage with them
- select the types of data that answer research questions
- manage any ethical issues which may arise during the project.
At the end of Unit III students will be able to:
- plan and execute independent research-based management projects
- use research- and practice-based findings to advance management practice
- communicate results and practical recommendations clearly, comprehensively, and persuasively
- deliver informed and evidence-based written information on a management topic
- lead and manage change.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate a sound knowledge of a range of theoretical perspectives applied to a self-selected work problem and suggest a potential change A2: Identify and manage complex problems that managers face A3: Develop suitable ways that change can happen to deliver a positive outcome for a self-chosen work context
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to:
B1: Critically collect and use valuable information, develop analysis, and synthesise across different work functions B2: Identify and critically analyse self-selected problems and develop actionable solutions
C. Practical and professional skills
C1: Understand and respond to ethical considerations associated with practice-based research C2: Exchange information and communicate research-based practices via a range of media C3: Provide an effective and ethical change in a self-selected work problem C4: Reflect critically on academic theories and apply them in a self-chosen work context
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
D1: Develop appropriate ways to solve problems and implement change in a self-selected work context D2: Devise and apply evidence-based approaches to managing change D3: Develop as an independent and reflective management practitioner
BA100 Career Planning and Development
(1) Credit Hours
This course aims at making students aware of the need for career planning and self-developmental activities. It teaches the effective ways of developing curriculum vitae and the cover letter for applying for a job. It will teach the various techniques that students can use to develop the communication skills in particular the written communication skills. By studying this course, students get familiarized with the various job search methods and the effective utilization of such job search methods. This will make students understand the importance of concept of career planning and make them to think about the ways and means of achieving those plans.
Course Code |
BA100 |
Course Title |
Career Planning and Development |
Pre-requisite |
EL111 |
Credit Hours |
1 |
Course Description |
This course aims at making students aware of the need for career planning and self-developmental activities. It teaches the effective ways of developing curriculum vitae and the cover letter for applying for a job. It will teach the various techniques that students can use to develop the communication skills in particular the written communication skills. By studying this course, students get familiarized with the various job search methods and the effective utilization of such job search methods. This will make students understand the importance of concept of career planning and make them to think about the ways and means of achieving those plans. |
Course Objectives |
The overall goal of the course is to make the students familiar with the concepts like career planning and development and with the job search methods. Students also get to know the art of developing curriculum vitae and cover letter to apply for jobs.
The main objective of this course is to develop the skills of students in the areas like developing effective curriculum vitae, facing interviews, planning for further moves in their career.
Students need to plan their career in their life to progress. Progression in career needs careful planning. This course will teach on developing career plans and implementing them. It teaches certain techniques that can be used by the students to win over the competition in the job market as well to excel in their career.
Course Outcomes |
The following are the learning outcomes of the course: 1. Developing curriculum vitae and a cover letter for a job on their own. 2. Acquiring the necessary skills of creating and sustaining network and relationship with people and organizations. 3. Making career plans and learning the ways and means of implementing the career plans. 4. Learn and understand various job search methods available with its pros and cons. 5. (e) Improving the oral and written communication skills.
BB293 Financial Accounting in Context
(8) Credit Hours
BB293 Financial Accounting in Context is a level 2 course. This module provides essential information about financial accounting. This is the fundamental course for students who wish to select the accounting profession as their career. In this module, Students will gain a detailed understanding of how financial statements are prepared and develop the skills to prepare and analyse financial statements information. Also, students will explore differences in financial reporting mechanisms under different types of businesses.
Course Code |
BB293 |
Course Title |
Financial Accounting in Context |
Pre-requisite |
ACT112 and ECO101 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
BB293 Financial Accounting in Context is a level 2 course. This module provides essential information about financial accounting. This is the fundamental course for students who wish to select the accounting profession as their career. In this module, Students will gain a detailed understanding of how financial statements are prepared and develop the skills to prepare and analyse financial statements information. Also, students will explore differences in financial reporting mechanisms under different types of businesses. |
Course Objectives |
The primary aim of BB293 is to enable the students to obtain and develop a good level of understanding of company financial accounting in the context of the business environment. This module focuses on a technical and contextual aspect of accounting. The technical aspect of accounting will allow the students to prepare and interpret financial statements and reports. Thus, the student will learn to prepare income statements, balance sheets, statements of changes in equity, and cash flow statements for single entity companies. Also, the stakeholder perspective of interpretation of financial statements will be covered in this module. The contextual accounting aspect focuses on the economic, legal, and social contexts of companies and company financial accounting. This will enable students to understand market economies, regulation, financial accounting standards, audit, and corporate governance. In addition, on successful completion of BB293 students will be able to develop the following skills:
1. Develop an understanding of company financial accounting in the context of markets, law, and society. 2. Prepare financial statements based on accounting concepts and theories 3. Understanding and preparing cash flow statement and its different components 4. Understanding and interpreting financial information into meaningful information 5. Selecting and analysing financial accounting problems and their interpretation from the stakeholder’s perspective 6. Developing an understanding of contract law, and employment law in the context of financial accounting 7. Develop an understanding of the need for ethical consideration under auditing, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance mechanisms. |
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate an understanding of the role and importance of financial accounting in a business context. A2: Demonstrate an understanding of financial accounting in the context of markets, law, and society. A3: Demonstrate knowledge and develop the ability to prepare different types of financial statements B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Developing an accounting reflective learning skill B2: Selecting and analyzing financial accounting problems B3: Applying theories, models, and concepts to business accounting cases
C. Practical and professional skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: Understanding and preparing different financial statements in a business context C2: Understanding and preparing Cash Flow Statement C3: Interpreting financial statements from a stakeholder’s perspective.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Demonstrate a detailed understanding of Contract law, employment law, and financial accounting D2: Demonstrate an understanding of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, auditing, and ethics. D3: Demonstrate an ability to prepare financial statements.
BB848 Leadership and management intercultural context
(4) Credit Hours
"This course is relevant to any managerial career. It has particular relevance if you are considering or already have an international career or if your managerial and leadership role involves interaction with or within intercultural or intracultural organisations or contexts. Given the increasingly intercultural and globally connected nature of business, management and organisations, this course provides opportunities for you to question and reflect on your own practice and to develop ways of managing and leading which are appropriate in different national and regional settings. By offering new (cross-national) perspectives on leadership and management you are also challenged to rethink your own practices in your current setting. This course addresses issues facing managers and leaders working in intercultural contexts and supports you to develop skills, competencies and knowledge to thrive and to get the best from colleagues, partners and associates.
The course covers three main themes: Theme One: Understanding cultures effects: This theme explores different approaches to understanding cultures. Theme Two: Understanding the role of social, political and economic institutions: Drawing on a varieties of capitalism approach, this section looks at the ways in which institutions such as labour markets, forms of firm governance, legal systems, differences in the rule of law, and the structure of inter-firm collaboration and competition affect the practices and challenges of leadership and management. Activities encourage you to explore the ways in which the business, social, economic and political environments affect your own experience of leadership and management. Theme Three: Putting it into practice: cross-cultural leadership capabilities: This theme explores the implications of what you have learned for your own practice and uses, with a series of self-assessment tools to evaluate and assess your own strengths and development needs in relation to the challenges of intercultural leadership and management. This course is relevant to any managerial career. It has particular relevance if you are considering or already have an international career or if your managerial and leadership role involves interaction with or within intercultural or intracultural organisations or contexts. Given the increasingly intercultural and globally connected nature of business, management and organisations, this course provides opportunities for you to question and reflect on your own practice and to develop ways of managing and leading which are appropriate in different national and regional settings. By offering new (cross-national) perspectives on leadership and management you are also challenged to rethink your own practices in your current setting. This course addresses issues facing managers and leaders working in intercultural contexts and supports you to develop skills, competencies and knowledge to thrive and to get the best from colleagues, partners and associates.
The course covers three main themes: Theme One: Understanding cultures effects: This theme explores different approaches to understanding cultures. Theme Two: Understanding the role of social, political and economic institutions: Drawing on a varieties of capitalism approach, this section looks at the ways in which institutions such as labour markets, forms of firm governance, legal systems, differences in the rule of law, and the structure of inter-firm collaboration and competition affect the practices and challenges of leadership and management. Activities encourage you to explore the ways in which the business, social, economic and political environments affect your own experience of leadership and management. Theme Three: Putting it into practice: cross-cultural leadership capabilities: This theme explores the implications of what you have learned for your own practice and uses, with a series of self-assessment tools to evaluate and assess your own strengths and development needs in relation to the challenges of intercultural leadership and management. "
Course Code |
BB848 |
Course Title |
Leadership and management intercultural context |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
"This course is relevant to any managerial career. It has particular relevance if you are considering or already have an international career or if your managerial and leadership role involves interaction with or within intercultural or intracultural organisations or contexts. Given the increasingly intercultural and globally connected nature of business, management and organisations, this course provides opportunities for you to question and reflect on your own practice and to develop ways of managing and leading which are appropriate in different national and regional settings. By offering new (cross-national) perspectives on leadership and management you are also challenged to rethink your own practices in your current setting. This course addresses issues facing managers and leaders working in intercultural contexts and supports you to develop skills, competencies and knowledge to thrive and to get the best from colleagues, partners and associates.
The course covers three main themes: Theme One: Understanding cultures effects: This theme explores different approaches to understanding cultures. Theme Two: Understanding the role of social, political and economic institutions: Drawing on a varieties of capitalism approach, this section looks at the ways in which institutions such as labour markets, forms of firm governance, legal systems, differences in the rule of law, and the structure of inter-firm collaboration and competition affect the practices and challenges of leadership and management. Activities encourage you to explore the ways in which the business, social, economic and political environments affect your own experience of leadership and management. Theme Three: Putting it into practice: cross-cultural leadership capabilities: This theme explores the implications of what you have learned for your own practice and uses, with a series of self-assessment tools to evaluate and assess your own strengths and development needs in relation to the challenges of intercultural leadership and management. This course is relevant to any managerial career. It has particular relevance if you are considering or already have an international career or if your managerial and leadership role involves interaction with or within intercultural or intracultural organisations or contexts. Given the increasingly intercultural and globally connected nature of business, management and organisations, this course provides opportunities for you to question and reflect on your own practice and to develop ways of managing and leading which are appropriate in different national and regional settings. By offering new (cross-national) perspectives on leadership and management you are also challenged to rethink your own practices in your current setting. This course addresses issues facing managers and leaders working in intercultural contexts and supports you to develop skills, competencies and knowledge to thrive and to get the best from colleagues, partners and associates.
The course covers three main themes: Theme One: Understanding cultures effects: This theme explores different approaches to understanding cultures. Theme Two: Understanding the role of social, political and economic institutions: Drawing on a varieties of capitalism approach, this section looks at the ways in which institutions such as labour markets, forms of firm governance, legal systems, differences in the rule of law, and the structure of inter-firm collaboration and competition affect the practices and challenges of leadership and management. Activities encourage you to explore the ways in which the business, social, economic and political environments affect your own experience of leadership and management. Theme Three: Putting it into practice: cross-cultural leadership capabilities: This theme explores the implications of what you have learned for your own practice and uses, with a series of self-assessment tools to evaluate and assess your own strengths and development needs in relation to the challenges of intercultural leadership and management. "
Course Objectives |
By the end of this module, you will have: - an increased critical understanding of cultural and institutional differences between countries and regions and their implications for leadership and management.
- skills of perspective-taking and re-framing that enable you to recast ideas and challenges in ways which work in different countries and regions
- an ability to use other cultural and institutional perspectives as a lens to generate a more critical understanding of your own context and your own management and leadership practice
- skills in accessing information on different countries and regions and in drawing implications for the effective practice of management and leadership in those settings
- a foundation for key competences in managing across cultural and institutional contexts including cultural intelligence; brokering; and recasting ideas and management practices in terms which make sense in particular local settings.
- developed an action plan to continue developing your own intercultural competences and global mind-set.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of a wide range of perspectives on Leadership and management in intercultural contexts
A.2 Identify and evaluate some of the complex challenges and tensions facing contemporary leaders in intercultural contexts.
A3 Understand the cross-national differences that affect the conduct of business, organisation, and management
A4: Identify and analyse decision-making complexity in intercultural contexts
A5: Develop a theoretically informed understanding of the connections between cross-national cultures and leadership styles B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Identify problems with cross-culture organization and suggest sustainable solutions.
B2: Carry out research about multi-culture teams’ opportunities and challenges
B3: Evaluate the impacts of culture diversification on the organization competitive advantage¬.
B4: Think critically about making HRM meaningful across the cultures. C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Be able to positively affect organizational performance by integrating culture and business strategies
C2: Build a competitive advantage that can be implemented within diverse organisational contexts.
C5: Create solutions for sustainable solutions for problems inherent in the value chain.
C4: Be familiar with the main levels and meaning of business culture
C5: Create a complementary strategy that enhances the dynamic of learning opportunities from culture diversification D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Assess how contemporary and potential leaders might change their mind set and practice of managing.
D2: Demonstrate how integrating academic theories across a wide range of organisational contexts can promote a reflective, thoughtful and considered approach for leading and managing people. D3: Demonstrate how business culture affect and affected by business structure and processes
D4: Work independently, reflecting on own actions and thoughts, and make effective use of constructive feedback.
D5: Demonstrate effective oral and writing skills.
BB849 Supply chain management
(4) Credit Hours
This module designed for those who want a sound knowledge of and insight into supply chain management and will appeal to both Supply Chain professionals and managers in other professions. This module will provide you with an in-depth insight into the theory, problems, solutions, and best practice in the area of supply chain management. It will provide you with opportunities to question and reflect upon your own organization and its role in the wider supply chain. It will also help you to develop your ability to identify opportunities for improvement of product design, manufacturing processors, sourcing strategies, and market development.
Course Code |
BB849 |
Course Title |
Supply chain management |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This module designed for those who want a sound knowledge of and insight into supply chain management and will appeal to both Supply Chain professionals and managers in other professions. This module will provide you with an in-depth insight into the theory, problems, solutions, and best practice in the area of supply chain management. It will provide you with opportunities to question and reflect upon your own organization and its role in the wider supply chain. It will also help you to develop your ability to identify opportunities for improvement of product design, manufacturing processors, sourcing strategies, and market development.
Course Objectives |
The aim of this module is to: - Develop an understanding of what is meant by supply chain management and the activities involved in its effective practice
- Build an awareness of the different supply chain contexts, such as humanitarian supply chains, public and private sectors, and volatile or dynamic supply chains (e.g. fashion industry)
- Develop an understanding of the concept of supply chain dynamics, to provide an insight into the potential solutions to demand amplification and the difficulties that implementing these solutions may pose
- Recognise different types of supply chain risks and the impact that they may have on the organisation
- Conduct analysis of existing supply chains to identify strengths and weaknesses of the supply chain design and performance
- Demonstrate reflective and critical thinking by writing reports that investigate, analyse and critique supply chain practice.
- Understand the challenges of the supply chains in which you operate in your own work environment or with which you are otherwise familiar.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1. Develop an understanding of the role of the supply chain manager, the nature of the supply chain profession and the approaches to addressing decisions in the supply chain context A2. Enhance your understanding of supply chain management theories, including supply chain dynamics, supply chain risk management and supplier relationship management A3. Develop a critical understanding of the impact of external contexts on companies' supply chain decision making, including internationalisation and globalisation, social and technological change, and government policies and regulation A4. Develop an understanding of the challenges of implementing supply chain solutions in the context of your own professional environment.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Critically appraise ethical implications of supply chain activities, arrangements, and decisions B2: Think analytically, creatively and in an integrated manner about different dimensions of supply chain management B3: Keep up to date with current and developing thinking in the field of supply chain management B4: Solve problems and make decisions: establish criteria, using appropriate decision-making techniques, including identifying, formulating, and solving business problems; create and evaluate options; implement and review decisions.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Learn through reflection about supply chain practice and experience C2: Recognise issues of ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability in modern-day supply chain contexts C3: Develop the foundation skills for key competencies in a supply chain management role C4: Manage and communicate information using IT applications and software packages in accordance with the requirements of the Digital and Information Literacy Framework.
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Communicate effectively – orally and in writing – using a range of media and including writing assignments and business reports D2: Demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to reflect on experience to help problem-solving in a supply chain environment. D3: Work independently, reflecting on own actions and thoughts, and making effective use of constructive feedback. D4: Acquire the skills for use of information technology.
BB851 Entrepreneurship in context
(4) Credit Hours
This module aims to equip you with an entrepreneurial mindset that helps you to make better career decisions – either in your workplace or as an independent entrepreneur – and effectively cope with the increasingly rapid changes in economy and society. In this module, entrepreneurship is broadly described as the application of enterprise behaviors with the aim to create economic, social, environmental, or cultural value in various contexts, among them private and public organizations, small enterprises, large corporations. Specifically, it goes beyond new venture creation (i.e. entrepreneurship) and considers the application of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge in established organizations (i.e. intrapreneurship) to initiate innovation, change and organizational development. Therefore, you need not aim to start your own venture to enjoy studying this module.
Course Code |
BB851 |
Course Title |
Entrepreneurship in context |
Pre-requisite |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This module aims to equip you with an entrepreneurial mindset that helps you to make better career decisions – either in your workplace or as an independent entrepreneur – and effectively cope with the increasingly rapid changes in economy and society. In this module, entrepreneurship is broadly described as the application of enterprise behaviors with the aim to create economic, social, environmental, or cultural value in various contexts, among them private and public organizations, small enterprises, large corporations. Specifically, it goes beyond new venture creation (i.e. entrepreneurship) and considers the application of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge in established organizations (i.e. intrapreneurship) to initiate innovation, change and organizational development. Therefore, you need not aim to start your own venture to enjoy studying this module. |
Course Objectives |
The module aims:
- To enhance your understanding of what entrepreneurship means and how forms of entrepreneurship can make a positive impact on economy and society.
- To equip you with an entrepreneurial mind-set that helps you cope with the increasingly rapid changes in economy and society.
- To refresh your understanding, consolidate your knowledge, and consider alternative, entrepreneurial perspectives. The resources and online activities also support you in thinking about how you can put knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship into practice.
- To equip you with an entrepreneurial mind-set that helps you to make better career decisions – either in your workplace or as an independent entrepreneur
- To have a greater understanding of what entrepreneurship means and be able to integrate your learning in your own work practices.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Different forms of entrepreneurial practice around the world, including the activities of social and commercial enterprises A2: Contrasting research perspectives on entrepreneurship, recognising that it can be studied at multiple levels of analysis A3: Selected entrepreneurship theories, concepts, and frameworks, with a particular focus on their implications for practice A4: Ethics and values in entrepreneurship.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: distinguish between entrepreneurial and managerial approaches and practices (e.g., in relation to marketing and finance) B2: identify distinctive features of entrepreneurial contexts B3: select entrepreneurial approaches and practices that are likely to be appropriate contexts B4: develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: work constructively and ethically in entrepreneurial settings, which may be characterised by ambiguity, complexity, and open-ended challenges C2: use digital technologies to support entrepreneurial initiatives C3: display resilience and an ongoing capacity to learn from direct personal experiences, and those of others, including entrepreneurial success and failure.
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: identify, research, and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities, with the aim of creating sustainable business models D2: negotiate, influence, and gain legitimacy in an entrepreneurial setting D3: effective networking and persuasive communication with key actors (e.g. finance providers) D4: use distinctive entrepreneurial approaches, thereby considering potential resource constraints and individual circumstances.
BDE850 Digital Economy in Business
(4) Credit Hours
This module consolidates, integrates, and assesses your learning from the Digital Economy. The Digital Economy explains the new economy, the new enterprise, and the new technology, and how they link to one another, how they enable one another. If you and your organization understand these relationships, the role of the new technology in creating the new enterprise for a new economy, you can be successful.
Course Code |
BDE850 |
Course Title |
Digital Economy in Business |
Pre-requisite |
- |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This module consolidates, integrates, and assesses your learning from the Digital Economy. The Digital Economy explains the new economy, the new enterprise, and the new technology, and how they link to one another, how they enable one another. If you and your organization understand these relationships, the role of the new technology in creating the new enterprise for a new economy, you can be successful. |
Course Objectives |
The age we live in now is one filled with opportunity and promise.
The aim of this module is encouraging you to appreciate and understand how digital economy impact the business performance.
The module aims to recognizing What does it all mean for the business? Whereas businesspeople are inundated with information, ideas, and theories on new technologies and new organizational forms as well as changing business conditions and strategies, there has been little success in developing a coherent view that synthesizes these factors and ultimately allows you to resolve a real-life work problem in the digital world.
The module also aims to assess your learning from the Digital Economy, to consolidate and integrate your learning through application to case studies and your own experience.
This aims to ensure you have a motivating and challenging learning experience that delivers real and practical outcomes to improve your own job performance.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Describe key digital concepts, theories and technique which is been used currently. A2: Identify and demonstrate the dynamic nature of the new digital economy that will transform the business for success A3: Understand the new business models in a competitive, dynamic global competition A4: Develop an understanding the leadership for transformation and leadership for digital frontier
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Think critically and creatively: manage creative processes in yourself and others; organise thought, analysis, synthesis, and critical appraisal; including identifying assumptions, evaluate statements in terms of evidence, detect false logic or reasoning, identify implicit values, define terms adequately and generalise appropriately. B2: Solve problems and make decisions: establish criteria, using appropriate decision techniques including identifying, formulating and solving business problems; create, identify and evaluate options; implement and review decisions. B3: Demonstrate the ability to justify the importance of leadership in the new digital economy which will support and enhance the performance of the organization. B4: Analyse digital economy and examine the new responsibilities for the business.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Demonstrate engagement with ethical issues relevant to digital economy C2: Ability to develop leadership strategies based on new business models which will fit the current digital transformation C3: Manage and communicate effectively using ICT and to perform well in a team environment, contributing to and benefiting from group processes. C4: Ability to learn through reflection on practice and experience.
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Demonstrate effective writing and oral communications skills. D2: Draw lessons from investigations and analyses of problems associated with digital economy and implementation and opportunities for improvement. D3: Work independently, reflecting on own actions and thoughts, and making effective use of constructive feedback. D4: Acquire the skills for use of information technology.
BSIT101 Multimedia Applications
(2) Credit Hours
Learn and apply the principles of design and gain experience working in different design media.
Course Code |
BSIT101 |
Course Title |
Multimedia Applications |
Pre-requisite |
EL111 |
Credit Hours |
2 |
Course Description |
Learn and apply the principles of design and gain experience working in different design media. |
Course Objectives |
The course should enable the student to: 1. Develop an understanding of the uses of multimedia on the worldwide Web and offline. 2. Identify business applications for multimedia projects. 3. Critique multimedia projects and determine whether they are effective. 4. Determine a Web site’s target audience and how a site delivers content to it. 5. How to create interesting motion graphics. 6. Develop an understanding of the techniques and technologies used by multimedia professionals. 7. Gain hands-on experience in web programming concepts.
Course Outcomes |
The students should be able to get knowledge about : 1. Introduction to multimedia. 2. Need and Importance of Multimedia 3. Design 4. Adobe Photoshop basics. 5. Working with Photoshop 6. Working with Layers 7. Selection and Color Techniques 8. Making Selections and effects with filters 9. Creating Images for Web 10. Introduction to Macromedia Flash. 11. Drawing tools, Symbols and Library 12. Time Line, Frames, 13. Tweens and Guide, TimeLine action script. 14. Importing Graphic files 15. Button, Button Action Script 16. Publishing Flash content on the web 17. Concept of Web Programming 18. Web Programming Tools and Databases 19. Web Servers |
BUC111 Business Communication 1
(4) Credit Hours
This module will help students to develop their communication and analytical skills paving the way for a more professional approach to business situations. This key introductory Level 1 course is practical and will empower students to analyse business situations with a valuable tool to design and compose business messages that are well-developed, audience-focused and free of errors.
BUC111 will encourage students to explore and compose a variety of business messages via emails, social media posts, or letters. With a wide variety of business scenarios, students will work with a wide range of emails, letters, social media posts and visuals to develop their communication potentials into well-grounded professional communication practices.
Course Code |
BUC111 |
Course Title |
Business Communication 1 |
Pre-requisite |
EL111 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
This module will help students to develop their communication and analytical skills paving the way for a more professional approach to business situations. This key introductory Level 1 course is practical and will empower students to analyse business situations with a valuable tool to design and compose business messages that are well-developed, audience-focused and free of errors.
BUC111 will encourage students to explore and compose a variety of business messages via emails, social media posts, or letters. With a wide variety of business scenarios, students will work with a wide range of emails, letters, social media posts and visuals to develop their communication potentials into well-grounded professional communication practices. |
Course Objectives |
The goal of this module is to enhance students’ confidence, performance and progression potentials. This course will implement a context-exposure oriented approach; most concepts and skills covered are rooted in contexts and scenario analysis. In a way, each module in the course enables students to further practice analysis of communication situations. The course focuses on new/social media business communication and e-communication strategies.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Awareness and understanding of the characteristics of effective business messages and identify their stylistic and strategic elements, including social media messages. A2: Demonstrate the ability to recognize the relevance of the stages of the writing process to the development of a professional quality business message and relate the process to their own planning and writing strategies. A3: Develop knowledge to distinguish weak language and organization structures that would affect the quality and effectiveness of a business message and critically assess means to improve them. A4: Develop an understanding and use relevant frequently used business expressions and terminologies related to business messages. A5: Demonstrate the ability to outline different organization patterns and the suitability of the pattern to the context of the message, and in that same line recognize the importance of identifying and emphasizing audience benefits.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Apply PAIBOC analysis to a variety of communication situations to guide their writing and/or speaking process. B2: Recognize, compare and contrast different types and formats of letters and emails and other business communication templates. B3: Investigate the suitability of an organization pattern to the context, audience and type of the message being composed. B4: Analyse the persuasive factor, evaluate the persuasive appeal, and differentiate between the different persuasive patterns of organization.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Perform the appropriate linguistic proficiency they need to compose quality business messages, adhere to netiquette rules, and foster a critical perspective on this language in the light of a range of alternative, available language and communication practices. C2: Develop, organize and revise professional business emails and letters, based on the PAIBOC analysis and on revising and editing techniques. C3: Identify objections and organize direct and indirect persuasive messages C4: Capitalize on persuasive strategies, integrating audience focused benefits, positive emphasis, while adopting the right tone for the business scenario.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Evaluate and prepare well-composed quality business messages that are adapted to the tone of the business situation. D2: Communicate effectively, showing recognition of audience and purpose. D3: Apply professional e-communication practices D4: Ability to identify some of the key strengths and needs of their own communication skills development and identify opportunities to address these in the light of their critique of the language and literacy practices they have encountered.
BUC112 Business Communication 2
(4) Credit Hours
BUC112 will help students to develop their reporting and interpersonal skills paving the way for a more professional approach to business situations. This key introductory Level 1 Module is practical and will encourage students to apply professional analysis to report writing, design and draft reports, capitalize on the linguistic proficiency developed in BUC111 when writing reports. The module will incite students to cultivate their interpersonal skills, namely by fostering better interactions through effective listening strategies, better teamwork understanding, and valuable meeting and presentation guidelines and practices.
BUC111 allows students to explore and compose a variety of business reports, including information reports, proposals, and analytical reports; learn about effective interpersonal skills strategies; and get good insight into planning and delivering successful presentations.
Course Code |
BUC112 |
Course Title |
Business Communication 2 |
Pre-requisite |
BUC111 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
BUC112 will help students to develop their reporting and interpersonal skills paving the way for a more professional approach to business situations. This key introductory Level 1 Module is practical and will encourage students to apply professional analysis to report writing, design and draft reports, capitalize on the linguistic proficiency developed in BUC111 when writing reports. The module will incite students to cultivate their interpersonal skills, namely by fostering better interactions through effective listening strategies, better teamwork understanding, and valuable meeting and presentation guidelines and practices.
BUC111 allows students to explore and compose a variety of business reports, including information reports, proposals, and analytical reports; learn about effective interpersonal skills strategies; and get good insight into planning and delivering successful presentations. |
Course Objectives |
This module aims to enhance the confidence, performance and progression potentials of the students and ultimately academic standards will be positively influenced as well as widening participation, retention and completion rates. The course implements a context-exposure oriented approach, as most concepts and skills covered are rooted in contexts and scenario analysis. In a way, each module in the course enables students to further practice analysis of communication situations. More than 20 communication situations and sample documents provide concrete examples and shed the light on exemplary approaches as well as areas for improvement.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Awareness and understanding of the different types of reports and outline the report organizational patterns. A2: Demonstrate the ability to describe the characteristics of successful work teams.
A3: Develop an understanding and use fundamentals of good listening practice and are familiar with meeting management A4: Critical and comparative understanding of theories and concepts for effective presentations.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1 Be able to apply PAIBOC analysis to report writing and presentations to guide their writing and speaking process. B2: Recognize, compare and contrast information reports, proposals and analytical reports, and formal reports. B3: Acquire understanding of the roles people play when part of a group or team, the tools utilized to positively influence interactions, and the strategies for a sound decision-making process. B4: Analyze means to resolve conflicts constructively and the relevance of listening strategies for more successful team interactions and performance.
C. Practical and professional skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Develop, organize, and revise different types of reports, based on the PAIBOC analysis and following revising and editing techniques. C2: Apply writing strategies to increase document readability of reports and presentations and foster a critical perspective on this language in the light of a range of alternative, available language and communication practices. C3: Implement guidelines to plan, lead and participate in meetings, write collaboratively as a team member, and improve interpersonal interactions. C4: Establish some effective strategies to plan and deliver presentations.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Evaluate and prepare clear professional reports that fulfill their purposes while adapted to the business context they cater to. D2: Communicate effectively, focusing on positively influencing listeners through the application of active listening and constructive approaches to difficult situations. D3: Apply professional presentation and speaking practices. D4: Identify some of the key strengths and needs of their own reporting and interpersonal skills development and identify opportunities to address these in the light of their awareness of the concepts and they have encountered.
BUS101 Introduction to Math for Business
(4) Credit Hours
BUS101 Introduction to Math for Business is a level 4 common introductory module for all tracks, rationale to provide students with sound knowledge on business related calculations such as interest, profit, payroll, etc. This course will provide students with the required technical skills and business knowledge to prepare them along with all other common level 4 modules for more advanced knowledge and skills needed for next level of discipline.
Course Code |
BUS101 |
Course Title |
Introduction to Math for Business |
Pre-requisite |
EL099 |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
BUS101 Introduction to Math for Business is a level 4 common introductory module for all tracks, rationale to provide students with sound knowledge on business related calculations such as interest, profit, payroll, etc. This course will provide students with the required technical skills and business knowledge to prepare them along with all other common level 4 modules for more advanced knowledge and skills needed for next level of discipline. |
Course Objectives |
The aim of this course is to introduce students to basics of finance and accounting models and theories, as well as to improve their critical thinking abilities, while guiding them to acquire strong investigation, analytical and evaluation skills.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge
and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Understand performing various calculations that are relevant and mostly used in finance and accounting function of a business. A2: Identify keys of financing and investment concepts like Annuity, Annual Percentage Yield, Rate of Return etc. A3: Understand tools and techniques that are widely used in investment field by general investors and their relevance in making crucial financing and investment decisions. A4: Describe the relevance of core financing and investment concepts that help corporates in making short-term and long-term business decisions.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Knowledge to develop interpreting and commenting on a computed value B2: Apply and integrate mathematics in day-to-day personal financing decisions made. B3: Analyse mathematical models for problems solving. B4: Knowledge to use mathematical techniques in the right manner and in the right environment.
C. Practical and professional skills C At the end of the module, learners will be expected to know: C1: Reflect on skills needed to deal with numbers and interpret them according to the scenario given. C2: Knowledge and techniques to use calculator to perform various calculations .C3: Knowledge and skills to analyse given scenarios and recommend actions accordingly
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Gain knowledge and skills to work independently as well as in a team meeting the expectations D2: Acquire skills and knowledge on mathematical concepts and business calculations that have practical relevance in the business environment. D3: Recognise variety of calculations and interpret those calculated values better that goes hand in hand with the scenario provided.
BUS102 Introduction to Statistics
(4) Credit Hours
BUS102 is an introductory course in Statistics for Business Students of all tracks. Rational is to provide students with good knowledge on statistical techniques commonly used in research works done on Social Science topics. Statistics is a science that deals with collection, description, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. Understanding data better and making decisions accordingly are the key qualities that a business manager must possess to excel in their performance.
Course Code |
BUS102 |
Course Title |
Introduction to Statistics |
Pre-requisite |
BUS101: Introduction to Math for Business |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
BUS102 is an introductory course in Statistics for Business Students of all tracks. Rational is to provide students with good knowledge on statistical techniques commonly used in research works done on Social Science topics. Statistics is a science that deals with collection, description, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. Understanding data better and making decisions accordingly are the key qualities that a business manager must possess to excel in their performance. |
Course Objectives |
The primary aim of this course is providing input on collection, analysing, and interpreting data. It will focus on developing students understanding on statistical concepts and techniques that are commonly used in research activities. The purpose of this course is to provide students with good knowledge and skills on performing various calculations and interpreting the results, and to be familiar with numerical and graphical summaries of data, fundamental statistical models for variation, establishing confidence intervals and testing hypotheses. The course aims at imparting knowledge on use of statistical techniques in solving business management issues. The module will provide good understanding on probability and probability distributions and an insight into developing intervals and testing hypothesis.
Course Outcomes |
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Understand data collection methods, presenting data in tables and graphs, perform simple statistical analysis manually. A2: Understand calculating statistical variables that are relevant for making certain decisions within an organization and interpreting those variables appropriately. A3: Explain how to make judgments in selecting and using the right technique for analysing the given data set/scenario and making inferences on the calculated values, so better conclusions on the given problems can be made. A4: Identify specific problems faced by an organization and using appropriate techniques to analyse that problem well and establishing conclusions on the problems being studied.
B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Conceptual understanding for a given problem well and use data for performing some analysis on the scenario given. B2: the ability to integrate statistical techniques in solving business related problems and interpret calculated values well. B3: Apply appropriate statistical technique for analysing a scenario and understand the scenario in a broader sense through analysis done. B4: Knowledge to use tables and charts for presenting and analysing the data.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Manage to use various statistical techniques for exploring, summarising, presenting, analysing, and interpreting data. C2: Reflect on quantitative concepts and models on the unstructured scenario given and analyse the scenario and suggest recommendations for solving an issue through statistical inferences
D. Key transferable skills
Upon completion of this module, learners will be expected to: D1: Gain skills to effective performance in a team-based assignment with other team members with good inputs like data analysis and inferences. D2: Acquire skills to deal with numbers and estimate appropriate solutions for a given problem based on statistical analysis performed. D3: Effective communications, of information, arguments and ideas using language and styles appropriate for a business context and audience.
BUS110 Introduction To Business
(8) Credit Hours
“Introduction to Business” is an introductory course, which surveys the role of business in society. At its simplest level, business is the exchange of goods and services for mutual benefit or profit. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of topics including the terms, trends, organizational structure and opportunities inherent in this exchange, the course introduces the student to the contemporary business world, the business of managing, people in organizations, the principles of marketing, managing information, and financial issues.
Course Code |
BUS110 |
Course Title |
Introduction To Business |
Pre-requisite |
EL111 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
“Introduction to Business” is an introductory course, which surveys the role of business in society. At its simplest level, business is the exchange of goods and services for mutual benefit or profit. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of topics including the terms, trends, organizational structure and opportunities inherent in this exchange, the course introduces the student to the contemporary business world, the business of managing, people in organizations, the principles of marketing, managing information, and financial issues. |
Course Objectives |
The primary objective is to give the student an understanding of basic business principles. Global business, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, information technology, and financial management. Another purpose of this course is to build a foundation of knowledge on the different theoretical approaches to management and decision making • develop analytical skills to identify the links between the functional areas in management, organisations, management practices and the business environment.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the course students will have a firm understanding of the following business topics:
- The relationship between business and society in a free market economy
- Common forms of business ownership
- Business ethics and social responsibility
- International business and the global economy
- Fundamentals of business management
- Business organization and structure
- Human resources, motivation and productivity
- Marketing, accounting, finance, operations management and other business specialties
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Identify business functions
A2: Recognize different business models and forms A3: Acquire knowledge of business ethics and social responsibility A4: understand the fundamentals of management.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Analyse business structures and business forms. B2: Examine different models and theories and its effect in business life. B3: Analysing and evaluating different perspectives, identifying biases and hidden assumptions in different models and forms of businesses.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: Analyse different business-related situations and forms. C2: Deduce problems and solutions and its pathways.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Gain the knowledge and skills to read financial and business related reports D2: Communicate knowledge and understanding of business issues to different stakeholders. D3: Analyse situations in an academic manner.
BUS115 Small Business Management
(4) Credit Hours
BUS115 Small Business Management is a level 1 common introductory module that provides students with principles of business in an-increasingly global society. This course is designed to enhance awareness, opportunities, and challenges in today's business environment. This course will introduce students to entrepreneur's success factors, developing business plans, forms of business ownership, management and leadership styles, marketing and market research, technology, and e-commerce, understanding financial statements and testing the feasibility and viability of a new venture.
Course Code |
BUS115 |
Course Title |
Small Business Management |
Pre-requisite |
EL112 as per 2022 plan & BUS110 as per 2017 plan |
Credit Hours |
4 |
Course Description |
BUS115 Small Business Management is a level 1 common introductory module that provides students with principles of business in an-increasingly global society. This course is designed to enhance awareness, opportunities, and challenges in today's business environment. This course will introduce students to entrepreneur's success factors, developing business plans, forms of business ownership, management and leadership styles, marketing and market research, technology, and e-commerce, understanding financial statements and testing the feasibility and viability of a new venture. |
Course Objectives |
The aim, of this module is to provide students with a well-grounded understanding of essential entrepreneurial business principals, and to develop an understanding of important business opportunities and issues as they relate to new ventures. The objectives of this course are to identify, appreciate, and assess the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of an entrepreneur and to study and observe entrepreneurial settings and entrepreneurial role models through exposure to actual business settings and experiences. Students will be encouraged to establish a level of confidence in creating a business plan as a tool to assess, create and communicate a business concept, and to have an expanded awareness of the resources available for creating a business plan.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At The end of this module, learners will be expected to: A1: Define entrepreneurship and the role of the entrepreneur in the economic development of nations; Entrepreneurial competencies A2: Identify and write business plans A3: Discuss financial statements and completing sales forecasts and projections
B. Cognitive skills
At The end of this module, learners will be expected to: B1: Analyse the differences between franchising versus building your own business concept B2: Critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis B3:Knowledge to valuation and comparison of small business management.
C. Practical and professional skills
At The end of this module, learners will be expected to:
C1: Acquire knowledge and skills of time management, skills appropriate to business, such as creativity, persuasion and attractiveness. C2: The ability to analyse work-related cases and situations to identify challenges for organisations in developing responses in relation to their environments. C3: Reflect on the application of course ideas to students’ own interactions with organizations and life experiences.
D. Key transferable skills At The end of this module, learners will be expected to: D1: Acquire skills to decision making and problem solving making a viable approach to students to engage with data analysis, interpretation and extrapolation. D2: Gain skills to market assessment: consumers, competitors, etc…. D3: Identify some of the key strengths and needs of their own learning and identify opportunities to address these.
BUS208 Contemporary issues in marketing
(8) Credit Hours
This level 2 module provides intermediate/advanced conceptual and practical learning to students interested in the theory and practice of marketing in a contemporary context.
BUS208 is addressing marketing strategy planning, global marketing, personal selling, and sales management, using social media and mobile marketing to connect with customers, CRM, Big Data, and Marketing Analytics, and Logistics.
Course Code |
BUS208 |
Course Title |
Contemporary issues in marketing |
Pre-requisite |
B206 and MKT112 |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This level 2 module provides intermediate/advanced conceptual and practical learning to students interested in the theory and practice of marketing in a contemporary context.
BUS208 is addressing marketing strategy planning, global marketing, personal selling, and sales management, using social media and mobile marketing to connect with customers, CRM, Big Data, and Marketing Analytics, and Logistics. |
Course Objectives |
This module aims to enable students to develop independent research and online collaborative skills necessary to engage in contemporary marketing practices in new and existing organisations. Students will be encouraged to do so by articulating how modern marketing can be used to satisfy individual goals/objectives while contributing to satisfying various individual and organisational needs. This course will allow students to explore the theoretical and practical connections between the distinct yet closely-interrelated fields of study.
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Develop and manage strategic marketing plans within a range of specialist areas, such as Engineering, science and information technology; Creative, leisure and cultural industries; Health and social care. A2: Demonstrate research contemporary marketing within a specialist real world setting, recognising that specialist areas have to be explored at multiple levels of analysis. A3: Demonstrate critical understanding of core theories, concepts and frameworks of contemporary marketing to understand the strategy, process and operations of organisations at different marketing contexts.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Evaluate the distinctive roles played by the marketing function in the process of developing and commercializing products and services. B2: Apply contemporary marketing concepts to critically analyse and evaluate solutions to a variety of marketing challenges.
C. Practical and professional skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: Work independently and as part of collaborative teams to develop attributes and capabilities for contemporary marketers’ success in a complex and changing environment. C2: Critically evaluate and reflect on student’s own career development objectives.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Independently apply conceptual thinking for the marketing process development. D2: Critically analyse and design competitive strategies for developing and introducing products and services into particular markets. D3: Create, plan and solve problems in entrepreneurial and innovative settings.
BUS310 Strategic Management
(8) Credit Hours
Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages Module introduces you to the essentials of strategy (key concepts, tools of analysis, various strategies and tactics), which are considered critical to managing organizations especially in today’s dynamic and connected environment. More specifically, this course examines the process of strategy, analysis of internal as well as external environment, development of strategic alternatives, selection of available and suitable alternative, implementation of strategies, and strategic control and corporate governance.
Special emphasis given to the applicable strategic tools in the dynamic business environment including SWOT analysis, five-forces, resource-based view and others. Forms of organizational structure and how it affects the formulated strategies will also be delivered throughout the course.
Course Code |
BUS310 |
Course Title |
Strategic Management |
Pre-requisite |
B207B |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages Module introduces you to the essentials of strategy (key concepts, tools of analysis, various strategies and tactics), which are considered critical to managing organizations especially in today’s dynamic and connected environment. More specifically, this course examines the process of strategy, analysis of internal as well as external environment, development of strategic alternatives, selection of available and suitable alternative, implementation of strategies, and strategic control and corporate governance.
Special emphasis given to the applicable strategic tools in the dynamic business environment including SWOT analysis, five-forces, resource-based view and others. Forms of organizational structure and how it affects the formulated strategies will also be delivered throughout the course.
Course Objectives |
- Provide students with concepts and tangible strategic skills that can readily be put into practice in often changing business environments. -Present the 21st century competitive/business landscape from a strategic management perspective and to assess how global and technological influences shape it -Provide students with a critical overview of the main tools of contemporary strategic practice in organizations in a way which is relevant to their professional needs. -To analyse and evaluate critically real life company situations and develop creative solutions, using a strategic management perspective. - To enhance the critical thinking skills of students and their abilities in analysing the strategic options available for organizations. Achieving the intended learning outcomes (covering both knowledge and skills) fully supports this aim. |
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Demonstrate systematic knowledge of the nature of strategy and the issues it raises for organisations. How to relate business concepts, models and theories to real life organisations. A2. Develop systematic knowledge and understanding of key theories underpinning the strategy process including how organisations analyse their environments (macro and micro), and their capabilities (internal environments), choose between potential strategic options, and overcome the challenges of implementing their strategies. A3: Demonstrate critical understanding of how businesses develop strategies; the different forms and theories of strategy, and how should organisations respond to the challenges of environmental change and markets. A4: Demonstrate systematic knowledge of some applications of strategic theories and models to a specific industry.
B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Conceptually understand the context of a case study and/or real life organizations and to get the aptitude to analyse and evaluate real life company situations and develop creative solutions, using a strategic management perspective. B2: Devise and sustain arguments depending on critical thinking, analysis and synthesis: including identifying and questioning assumptions, weighing evidence appropriately, identifying and challenging false logic or reasoning, and generalizing in a way which recognizes the limits of knowledge in strategy. B3: Evaluate and integrate the dynamics of competition surround organizations and how such velocity affects the strategic alternatives. In addition to acquire, skills to integrate and apply knowledge gained to the various strategy phases including formulation and implementation from a holistic perspective. B4: Ability to construct, defend and evaluate an argument, using relevant evidence, giving reasons for conclusions.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: C1: As an independent learner, efficiently communicate complex information, arguments and ideas in ways appropriate to a business context and audience. C2: Demonstrate proficiency in study and research skills such as: communicating their knowledge and understanding to others, verbally and in C3: Critically identify and evaluate conflicting arguments, including recognizing the significance of different value positions in arguments writing (effective performance in a team environment).
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Acquire interpersonal skills of effective listening, negotiating, persuasion and presentation to develop written communication skills in essay writing D2: Independently conduct research into business and management issues, either individually or as part of a team for projects/dissertations/presentations. Have acquired skills in managing large bodies of knowledge. D3: Acquire IT skills such as Microsoft Office, and Internet Search Engines, and the Arab Open University E-library D4. Self reflection and criticality including self awareness, openness and sensitivity to diversity in terms of people, cultures, business and management issues; Skills of learning to learn and developing a continuing appetite for learning; reflective, adaptive and collaborative learning. |
BUS628 Global Human Resource Management
(8) Credit Hours
This course examines the strategic and global issues of HRM by showing how organizations address the trade-offs between global integration and local responsiveness. It discusses varying methods of globalized talent management and employer branding and conclude with a multi-dimensional approach to HRM.
Course Code |
BUS628 |
Course Title |
Global Human Resource Management |
Pre-requisite |
B207B |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
This course examines the strategic and global issues of HRM by showing how organizations address the trade-offs between global integration and local responsiveness. It discusses varying methods of globalized talent management and employer branding and conclude with a multi-dimensional approach to HRM. |
Course Objectives |
The primary objectives of this module are:
• To understand globalization and international human resource management. • To understand strategic objectives • To understand global integration mechanisms
Course Outcomes |
A. Knowledge and understanding At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: A1: Identify drivers of globalization A2: Recognize global HRM strategies and structures. A3: Acquire knowledge about strategic objectives and how to build global capabilities. A4: Acquire knowledge about integration mechanisms.
B. Cognitive skills At the end of the module learners will be expected to: B1: Understand drivers of globalization and multiple layers of globalization within the MNE. B2: Examine different strategic objectives from building global capabilities to developing international management competences. B3: Examine and evaluate the role of global talent management, managing international labour force, and employer branding.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C1: practically understand globalization drivers and impact particularly at the level of HRM.
C2: Identify how and why global capabilities are built, and the importance of deploying an international management competence strategy. C3: Identify the importance of global talent management and how to manage international labour force.
D. Key transferable skills At the end of the module, learners will be expected to: D1: Develop their critical thinking about global HR matters. D2: Explain globalization and IHRM related concepts to different audiences (academic, professional, the general public). D3: Exercise building global capabilities and managing international labour and communicate ideas clearly to convince others and responsibly challenge their classmates. D4: Reflect on their own potential and capabilities with regard to global HRM particularly at the level of talent management, developing international management competences, etc.
BUS629 International Management
(8) Credit Hours
In this module, you will basically cover a range of topics related to international business and will be encouraged to cultivate a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills pertaining to globalization, national differences, the global trade and investment environment, the global monetary system, the strategy and structure of international business, International business functions, and professional practice.
Course Code |
BUS629 |
Course Title |
International Management |
Pre-requisite |
B205B |
Credit Hours |
8 |
Course Description |
In this module, you will basically cover a range of topics related to international business and will be encour |