Dr. Afshan is a professionally qualified and highly motivated
academician with 20 years of diverse teaching experience at the university and
college levels. She is eager to pursue a full-time teaching career in
Accounting, Finance, Economics, Management, Human Resources, and other business
subjects. Dr. Afshan earned her Ph.D. in Accounting and Finance in 2021, her
MSc in Economics in 2011, and her MBA in Finance in 2005. Her primary research
interests include accounting, auditing, finance, corporate governance, and
corporate social responsibility
Financial Accounting
Advanced Management Accounting
Shaping Business Opportunities II
Auditing Theory and Practices
Accounting Information System
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Principles of Microeconomics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Dr. Afshan Younas has more than 20 years of teaching experience across
various colleges and universities. Since 2012, she has been a faculty member at
Arab Open University. Her previous positions include roles at Al Musannah
College of Technology (Oman), Oman College of Management and Technology (Oman),
Iqra University (Pakistan), and PEF College (Pakistan). Additionally, She possesses professional experience as a bank officer.
Journal Articles & Conference Proceedings
- Younas, A. (2024). The Role of Accounting
Information Systems on Business Performance – A Proposed AIS Model of
Improved Business Performance. In: Li, S. (eds) Information Management.
ICIM 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2102.
Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-64359-0_36
- Younas, A. and Veerasamy, R. (2024) ‘Exploratory
Study on the Importance of Internal Control in Auditing’, International
Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(6),
pp. 579–587. doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v14-i6/21376.
- Al Wahaibi,
M.A., Hussainy, S.S. and Younas, A., (2024) Exploring the Determinants of
Firms' Short-Term Investment Across the GCC Countries. International
Journal of Management, Accounting & Economics, 11(2).
- Younas, A., Subramanian, K.P., Al-Haziazi, M., Hussainy,
S.S. and Al Kindi, A.N.S., 2023. A Review on Implementation of Artificial
Intelligence in Education. International Journal of Research and
Innovation in Social Science, 7(8), pp.1092-1100.
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A.A.M., 2023. The Mediating Role
of CSR Disclosure between Board Structure and Capital Strcuture. —Online
Marketing and E-Commerce Management, p.160.
- Younas, A. and Anwar, R.W., 2023, January. Empirical
Review on the Use of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain in the
Sultanate of Oman. In 2023 International Conference On Cyber
Management And Engineering (CyMaEn) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A., 2020. A Conceptual Model: The
Impact of Board Structure on Capital Structure among Oman Public Listed
Companies. In Proceedings of the2nd International Conference on
Research in Business, Management and Finance. Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A.A.M., 2022, April. Measuring
Corporate Social Responsibility by Constructing an Index: An Empirical
Evidence from Oman. In Eurasian Business and Economics
Perspectives: Proceedings of the 35th Eurasia Business and Economics
Society Conference (pp. 231-244). Cham: Springer International
- Younas, A., 2022. Review of Corporate Governance
Theories. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 7(6),
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A.A.M., 2022. Empirical review of
business challenges and opportunities from the covid-19 pandemic. Journal
of Business Management and Accounting, 12(2), pp.63-79.
- Younas, A. and Al Wahaibi, M., 2023. Exploration of
Blockchain Technology in the Education Sector in the Sultanate of
Oman. Int. J. Acad. Res. Bus. Soc. Sci.
- Younas, A., 2022, September. The Effect of Ownership
Structure on Leverage of the Listed Companies in Oman. In Papers
of 4th Canadian International Conference on Humanities & Social
Sciences 2022 (p. 111).
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A.A.M., 2022. The Impact of Audit
Committee Structure on Capital Structure: A Case of Omani Listed
- Younas, A., Kassim, A.A.M. and Bhuiyan, A.B., 2021.
Construction Of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure Index And
Its Practices By Listed Companies In Oman. American International
Journal of Economics and Finance Research, 3(1), pp.57-68.
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A., 2020. A Conceptual Model: The
Impact of Board Structure on Capital Structure among Oman Public Listed
Companies. In Proceedings of the2nd International Conference on
Research in Business, Management and Finance. Oxford, United Kingdom.
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A.A.M., 2019. Essentiality of
internal control in Audit process. International Journal of
Business and Applied Social Science, 5(11), pp.1-6.
- Younas, A., Md Kassim, A.A. and Bhuiyan, A.B., 2021. The
influence of audit committee structure on leverage: empirical evidence
from Oman.
- Younas, A., Md Kassim, A.A. and Bhuiyan, A.B., 2021.
Constructing an index of corporate social responsibility practices in
Book Chapters
- Younas, A., Muthuraman, S., Al Darmaki, A., Khan, F. and
Kassim, A.A.M., 2024. “Corporate Social Responsibility – A Mean of
Achieving Sustainability in Oman”. Strategies for Empowering Oman
as a Competitive Economy p.351
- Al Wahaibi,
M.A., Hussainy, S.S. Veerasamy, R., and
Younas, A., 2024. “Capital
Budgeting Practices of Omani SMEs: A Comprehensive Review”. Strategies
for Empowering Oman as a Competitive Economy p.305
- Veerasamy,
R., Hussainy, S.S., Al Wahaibi, M.A., and Younas, A., 2024. “Comparative Advantage in
Attracting Investments toward Industrialization and Reducing Fiscal
Deficit in the Sultanate of Oman”. Strategies for Empowering Oman
as a Competitive Economy p.290
- Younas, Afshan (2024) “Digital Reporting of
Accounting Information and AIS in Oman” IGI Global Book - Impact of Digitalization on Reporting, Tax Avoidance,
Accounting, and Green Finance, DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1678-8.ch004
- Younas, A., Muthuraman, S., Al Darmaki, A., Khan, F. and
Kassim, A.A.M., 2023. Empirical Review of Measuring Corporate Social
Responsibility in the Sultanate of Oman. Artificial Intelligence,
Internet of Things, and Society 5.0, 1113, p.167.
- Younas, A. and Kassim, A.A.M., 2023, March. Exploring
the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Leverage of Listed
Companies in Oman. In Global Economic Challenges: 6th
International Conference on Banking and Finance Perspectives, Cuenca,
Spain (pp. 39-53). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Younas, A., Kassim, A.A.M. and Bhuiyan, A.B., 2021.
Empirical Review of Covid-19 Pandemic Effect on the Corporate Social
Responsibility in Oman: Challenges and Opportunities. Exploring
Sustainable Paths, p.67.