What are appeals?
Appeals refer to your formal request for review of grades scored in the continuous assessment (MTA and TMA) and the final exam. You may appeal against the grades awarded to you in your assignment as per the formal procedures of appeal set by the university.
Conditions For Academic Appeal Against
The Continuous Assessment (TMA or MTA)
Students may appeal continuous assessment grades by filling the online appeals form within one week from the announcement of the continuous assessment results. The student will also attach any relevant documents.
Copies of the appeal form will automatically be sent to the Branch Examination Committee (BEC) and to Student Affairs Office and branch Quality Assurance Unit for follow up and monitoring.
Appeals on the continuous assessment (TMAs or MTAs) are dealt with at the academic department level. The course coordinator and respective course tutor will examine the appeal and all relevant documents and take a decision whether to uphold the appeal or to reject it. If the appeal is upheld, the decision will be sent to the branch Director for approval of “change of grade”. A copy of the decision will be sent to the Student Affairs Office. The Student Affairs Office will notify the student with the final decision in writing. Carbon copies of the decision will be sent to the Assistant Director for Academic Affairs, the Branch Course Coordinator, and the Branch Quality Assurance Coordinator.
If the student is dissatisfied with the decision to dismiss the appeal, he or she may appeal through the Branch Director to Faculty Examination Committee (FEC) within one week of notification of the decision in question.
Conditions For Academic Appeal Against The Final Result
Students may appeal final examination grades by filling the online appeals form within one week from the announcement of the final examination results.
Copies of the appeal form will automatically be sent to the Branch Examination Committee (BEC) and to Student Affairs Office and branch Quality Assurance Unit for follow up and monitoring.
The concerned Programmed Coordinator, Branch Course Coordinator and the course tutor will review the appeal and forward their recommendations to the Branch Examination Committee along with a copy of the examination script.
The BEC will look into the examination script to ensure that all answers are marked and that compilation of marks is conducted properly. Based on the outcome, the BEC will take a decision. The decision is either appeal upheld (recommendation for change of marks) or appeal rejected (no grounds for appeal).
If the appeal is valid a copy of the BEC recommendation will be sent to the Central Examination Committee (CEC) for assessment and to the VRAA. The Central examination will either approve the recommendations of the BEC or decline it. The grade will only be changed after the approval of the CEC.
The CEC decision will be communicated to the Student Affairs Office to inform the student .A carbon copy of the decision will be sent to the Branch Director, Assistant Director for Academic Affairs, the Programme Course Coordinator and the Branch Quality Assurance Coordinator.
The student Affairs Office will notify the student with the decision of the Examination Committee.
If the student is dissatisfied with the decision to dismiss the appeal, he or she may appeal through the Branch Director to Faculty Examination Committee (FEC) within one week of notification of the decision in question.
The Faculty Examinations Committee shall study the student’s objection and verify the absence of material mistakes. The student shall be notified of its decision through the Branch Director within one week of the Committee’s receipt of the student’s objection. The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs shall be also notified of the Committee’s decision.
Student’s result in any course shall become final following the lapse of one semester, and may not be modified under any circumstance.