Dr. Mohammed Abdulla Salim Al Husaini is currently an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computing Studies
at Arab Open University. His research interests include image processing,
signal processing, AI application and Deep learning.Dr. Mohammed Al-Hussaini has experience as a Senior Engineer at Sultan Qaboos University, where he managed a team of staff (2003-2022). He holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the International Islamic University Malaysia (2018-2022). He also holds a Master’s degree in Electrical and Communication Engineering from the Middle East College (2015-2017), a Bachelor’s degree in the same specialization from the same college (2011-2014), and a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Muscat College of Technology (1999-2002). He has several certificates in refereeing conferences and scientific journals, in addition to training in the fields of artificial intelligence, and obtained a patent for the Afiya application in Malaysia (2024).
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology and Computing, Faculty of Computer Studies, Arab Open University (AOU) – Oman, Muscat
· Courses Teaching:
· TM355 Communications Technology
· TM103 Computer Organization & Architecture
· TM170 Computing Essentials
· MT132 Linear Algebra
· MT101 General Mathematics
· TM111 Introduction to Computing and Information Technology-1
· T216 A Cisco Networking (CCNA) part A
· T216 B Cisco Networking (CCNA) part B
· TM 109 .Net Programm
· T321 Operating System Server Administration
· ITC309 Industrial Training Course
· TM471 I Graduation Project Part 1
· GR100 Computer & Internet Skills
- IT100 Foundation Information Technology
At the International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and
Business ( ICITEB).
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution in
journal Breast Cancer Research (Deep Learning Applications in Breast cancer
diagnosis, treatment and prognosis)
Certificate of Poster Judge In UTAS ( 5th Student National Symposium
Industrial Revaluation 5)
Certificate of Credentials Trainer
from HIHS.
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution Sensing
and Imaging (Application of Convolution Neural Network to Classify Thermal
Tomographic Images)
AI Patent Registration for Afiya App from Malaysia
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution
Biomedical Signal Processing & Control (review of BSPC-D-23-06540)
Certificate of Credentials Trainer from Sultan Qaboos University
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution Springer (Submission
ID 69cc2891-6b24-4252-8283-3399af908ed6)
Certificate of Trainer (Deep Learning ) UTAS Oman .
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution Heliyon (HELIYON-D-23-23818)
Certificate of Trainer (Artificial Intelligent ) from Sultan
Qaboos University .
Certificate of Trainer (Mastering Mendeley Workshop)
from Sultan Qaboos Center for Culture and Science.
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution Heliyon (HELIYON-D-23-44110)
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution Heliyon (HELIYON-D-22-19252R1)
Certificate of Participation (conference ICCCE2023 in
Publication Certificate MDPI Applied Science
Certificate of Participation in the section leader ship
Training program organized by IEEE Oman
Best Published Research Led By a Young Researcher in
Information Systems and Communication Technologies Sector ( National Research Award 2022)
Certificate of Trainer (How to use Mendeley in SQU)
Keynote Certificate V-EEE2022
Appreciation certificate (Introduction to deep learning
in Middle East College
Publication Certificate MDPI electronics
Certificate of Participation (conference ICCCE2021 in
Certificate of Reviewer Contribution IEEE Access
Certificate of Participation (conference CSADC2017 in
Thailand )
Maintenance of printing machine Agfa ,Dubai
Domestic Application Service Engineer, UK
Certificate of Participation (5th engineering
student exhibition in SQU)
Maintenance of printing machine Xerox, Egypt
Maintenance of printing machine canon, Lebanon
Maintenance of printing machine Utax, Germany
Maintenance of printing machine Ricoh Dubai
1.Al Husaini, M. A. S., Habaebi, M. H., Gunawan, T. S., Islam,
M. R., Elsheikh, E. A. A., & Suliman, F. M. (2021). Thermal-based early
breast cancer detection using Inception V3, Inception V4 and modified Inception
MV4. Neural Computing and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06372-1
2.Al Husaini, Mohammed Abdulla Salim, Habaebi, Mohamed
Hadi, Hameed, Shihab A., Islam, Md. Rafiqul, and Gunawan, Teddy Surya (2020). A
systematic review of breast cancer detection using thermography and neural
networks. IEEE Access, vol. 8. pp. 208922-208937. E-ISSN 2169-3536, doi:
3.Husaini, M. A. S. Al, Habaebi, M. H., Gunawan, T. S., &
Islam, M. R. (2021). Self-Detection of Early Breast Cancer Application with
Infrared Camera and Deep Learning. Electron., vol. 10, no. 20, 2021,
4. Al Husaini, M.A.S.; Habaebi, M.H.; Suliman, F.M.; Islam,
M.R.; Elsheikh, E.A.A.; Muhaisen, N.A. Influence of Tissue Thermophysical
Characteristics and Situ-Cooling on the Detection of Breast Cancer. Appl. Sci.
2023, 13, 8752. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13158752
5. Husaini, M. A. S. Al, Habaebi, M. H., Gunawan, T. S., Islam,
M. R., & Hameed, S. A. (2021). Automatic Breast Cancer Detection Using
Inception V3 in Thermography. 2021 8th International Conference on Computer and
Communication Engineering (ICCCE) Automatic, 31–34. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCCE50029.2021.9467231
M. Abdulla S. Al, “Utilizing
Deep Learning for the Real-Time Detection of Breast Cancer through
Thermography,” IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit., pp. 0–3, 2023.
7. Al Husaini, M.A.S., Habaebi, M.H. & Islam, M.R. Real-time
thermography for breast cancer detection with deep learning. Discov Artif
Intell 4, 57 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44163-024-00157-w
8. Husaini, M. A. S. Al, Habaebi,
M. H., Gunawan, T. S., & Islam, M. R. (2023). Evaluation Of Gaussian Noise
Effects in Thermal Images Of Breast Cancer And Deep Learning. Under Review at MDPI,
9. Muhaisen, Naser Ahmad Naser, Mohamed
Hadi Habaebi, Fakher Eldin M. Suliman, Sheroz Khan, Elfatih AA Elsheikh, Md.
Rafiqul Islam, and Mohammed Abdulla Salim Al Husaini. 2023.
“Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of Kuwait-Speci Fi c Lighting System.”
Energy Exploration & Exploitation. doi: 10.1177/01445987231197686.